Tag Archive for: Sprains and Strains

Tennis ElbowTennis elbow is an overuse and muscle strain injury caused by the repeated contraction of the forearm muscles that you use to straighten and raise your hand and wrist and affects 1% to 3% of the overall population.  Repeated motion and stress to the tissue can cause inflammation or even a series of tiny tears in the tendons that attach the forearm muscles to the bony “knob” at the outside of your elbow, and the results can be painful.

Many common activities other than playing tennis, can cause this painful condition, including gardening, working around the house, or any activity that involves repetitive twisting of the wrist.  Pain and weakness caused by tennis elbow can make it difficult to do simple everyday activities such as shake hands, use a doorknob, or hold a coffee cup.

If you think you have tennis elbow, it’s always best to consult a healthcare provider to get an expert opinion.  Luckily, up to 90% of cases can be remedied by nonsurgical treatments, and symptoms usually diminish within four to six weeks after receiving appropriate treatment.

For immediate relief, often just resting and applying ice may help relieve symptoms, and anti-inflammatory medications can help reduce pain.  Braces or wrist splints may also help to relieve the symptoms of tennis elbow along with specific range of motion exercises.

The type of treatment prescribed for tennis elbow will depend on several factors, including age, overall health, medical history, and severity of pain. The goals of treatment are to reduce pain or inflammation, promote healing, and decrease stress and abuse on the injured elbow.

Physiotherapy & Chiropractic treatments can help treat tennis elbow; using a combination of Ultrasound, Class IV Laser, Shockwave Therapy and Graston Instruments to reduce inflammation. Specific exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles of your forearm will help to strengthen those muscle and keep the chance of tennis elbow from re-occurring.

Your practitioner will also discuss changes you need to make to your work environment, sport technique or sports equipment that you are currently using.

Diversified Health Explains Sprains & StrainsDiversified Health Clinic explains the difference between a sprain and a strain; which is one of the most frequently asked question regarding an injury.


A sprain is an injury to a ligament, the fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bone. Ligament injuries involve a stretching or a tearing of this tissue.

A sprain typically occurs when people fall and land on an outstretched arm,  land on the side of their foot, or twist a knee with the foot planted firmly on the ground. This results in an overstretch or tear of the ligament(s) supporting that joint.

The usual signs and symptoms of a muscle sprain include pain, swelling, bruising, and the loss of the ability to move and use the joint.


A strain is an injury to either a muscle or a tendon which are the tissues that connects muscles to bones. Depending on the severity of the injury, a strain may be a simple overstretch of the muscle or it can result in a partial or complete tear.

A strain is caused by twisting or pulling a muscle or tendon. Strains can be acute or chronic. An acute strain is caused by trauma or an injury such as a blow to the body; it can also be caused by improperly lifting heavy objects which over stresses the muscles. Chronic strains are usually the result of prolonged overuse or repetitive movement of the muscles and tendons.

The usual signs and symptoms of a strain include pain, muscle spasm and muscle weakness. There can also be localized swelling, cramping, inflammation and some loss of muscle function.

Now that Diversified Health Clinic explains the difference between a sprain and a strain, remember to treat the injury as soon as possible with Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation for the first 24 to 48 hours after the injury.

Hamstring Stretches Help with Low Back Pain | physiotherapy victoria bc:

One of the most important stretches someone with low back pain should be performing is a hamstring stretch. When your hamstrings are tight, it places a lot of stress on your low back, leading to more pain and can actually cause more difficulty for you.

One of the easiest ways to stretch your hamstrings is lying on your back. Bring your knee toward your chest and straighten out your knee and try to push the bottom of your foot up towards the ceiling.  The opposite leg should be flat. Then rest and repeat. This should be performed on each side.

Hamstring Stretches Help with Low Back Pain | physiotherapy victoria bc

Hamstring Stretches

An important aspect to stretching is being able to relax while you are doing the stretch. If you find yourself not relaxing with the first stretch, try lying near a door jam or a corner of a wall and place one leg up on the wall. Now drop the opposite leg and you’ll begin feeling the stretch in the back of the hamstring. This is a nice stretch because you can just relax and it doesn’t place as much stress on your low back. The object here is to work your leg up the wall to try to get a ninety degree angle. Now once your leg is straight, simply return to the starting position, slide your hips closer to the wall, and repeat.

Since hamstring stretching should be done at least twice a day, finding other positions which you can incorporate into your daily routine is crucial.  Another way to stretch your hamstring is sitting on the edge of a chair, so it can be done almost anywhere. Sitting in the chair, scoot to the edge of the chair, straighten out one leg, and point your toes toward the ceiling. Simply sit up straight and roll your pelvis forward and you should feel a light stretch up the back of your leg. This can be held for approximately thirty seconds, and repeated on each side.

 For more information on stretches that you can do at home or at the office please contact our physiotherapists.

Below is a list of sport injury prevention tips on how to help prevent sport sprains and strains.

1. Make sure that you are using the proper fit and correct size of sports equipment.

2. Make sure that the equipment is approved by the organizations that governs each of the sports.

3. Maintain equipment and check the maintenance of the playing surfaces that you will be playing or practicing on.

4. Ask if the team coaches have training in first aid. Make sure that someone in the facility or at the sporting event has first aid.

5.  If you are new to a sport and just starting to play, make sure that you pick a team or league according to  your age and skill level.

6. Have proper preparations – make sure you know about the sport, how it is played and understands the rules.

7.  It is important to do warm-up exercises and to stay hydrated.

8. One of the most overlooked prevention tips is to stay alert and mindful during any sporting event. This is not the time to be daydreaming or distracted.

These tips will go a long way to keeping you safe and injury free.

However, even by following all the above tips on Sport Injury Prevention,  accidents do happen. The most important factors after a accident is to see your health care practitioner as soon as possible.

Please call our clinic at 250-282-0018 for more information on Sport Injury Prevention  | Health care Victoria