When you considers all of the incredible functions the liver performs in the body, you can begin to understand why maintaining liver health | health care victoria will have a positive effect on your overall health and vitality.
Here’s what your liver does…. and you thought you were busy!
*Metabolizes protein, fats and carbohydrates, thus providing nutrients and energy
* Creates bile, which breaks down fats
*Stores fuel for the body in the form of glycogen, which readily converts to glucose ( quick energy)
*Stores vitamins, minerals and sugar
*Filters the blood and helps remove harmful chemicals and bacteria
*Regulates the body’s ability to clot
*Helps assimilate and store fat-soluble vitamins such as A,E,D, & K
*Stores extra blood, which can be quickly released when needed
* Helps maintain electrolytes and water levels
*Creates immune substances such as gamma globulin’s
*Regulates levels of sexual hormones: manufactures estrogen and testosterone

Maintaning Liver Health | health care victoria
Remember to follow these steps to help optimize you liver health.
Eat a whole natural diet consisting of a variety of high-quality fresh foods. Lower you fat intake and eat less refined cooked oils and fats.
Reset the digestive system whenever possible. This means not to eat too late at night or too early in the morning. Don’t eat when you’re not hungry and don’t over eat.
Make sure that you are hydrated and keep the liver moisturized and free flowing.
Keep the elimination channels open and free. Exercise to eliminate toxins via the lungs and skin and try to keep your bowels moving regularly.
Massage the liver area at least once a day to help remove congestion and take antioxidants such as vitamins E and C, beta-carotene, zinc and selenium to protect against toxins.
For more information on maintaining liver health, | health care victoria ask Dr. Krisjan Gustavson about our Detox Kits.