Custom Orthotics

Foot Pain? Your Flip-Flops May Be the Culprit!

Ah, summertime splendour. Nearly everyone's favourite time of year in Victoria is met by longer days, lighter clothing and more…

Step Into The New Year With Less Foot Pain

Life is too short for uncomfortable shoes, but even the cushiest shoes can feel like bricks at the end of…

Custom Foot Orthotics

Many foot problems can be directly attributed to collapsed/fallen arches or other biomechanical issues such as pronation (rolling in and…

Orthotic FAQ | Advanced Health Care Products Victoria

A custom orthotic is a biomechanical medical appliance designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient…

Do you Overpronate or Underpronate? | Orthotics Victoria

Orthotics are biomechanical appliances, that enable feet to be held in a more stable position, therefore reducing stress and strain…