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Our Victoria clinic offers tips on how to reduce yoga injuries, starting with how yoga offers great health benefits by enabling you to develop your flexibility, strength, and balance. For most healthy people yoga is a safe form of exercise, however yoga injuries can occur.

Most yoga injuries result from overstretching and strain from repetition; certain types of poses can increase your likelihood of being injured if you have the following conditions such as severe osteoporosis, high or low blood pressure or being pregnant.

Victoria Clinic Offers Tips on How to Reduce Yoga Injuries


Here are some tips to help you reduce your risk of injury from yoga.

– Don’t learn yoga on your own. Work with an experienced yoga instructor to learn the proper way to perform the poses.

– There are many different types of yoga so before beginning any new type of yoga, ask about its physical demands. Talk with the instructor and others who do that type of yoga.

– Remember to learn the basics, such as proper breathing and how to maintain balance, before attempting more ambitious poses.

– As with any exercise, warming up is essential: cold muscles can increase the chance of an injury, also if you don’t understand a particular pose, ask to see it again and don’t feel embarrassed if you need to ask further questions.

– Stay hydrated during your sessions, especially if you are practicing Hot Yoga, which is done in a warm, humid room.

– Yoga should never hurt, so if you start to feel dizzy, faint or any type of pain, stop the pose immediately. You can then ask your instructor for a modified pose.

Consult with your health care provider before starting a yoga program if you are pregnant or have a pre-existing health condition. Your health care provider can help you decide what type yoga exercise is safe for you.

Our Victoria clinic offers tips on how to reduce yoga injuries, and we would like to leave you with this thought. Yoga is a perfect exercising routine in itself; it pacifies the mind, and keeps the body healthy.