
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome a.k.a Runner’s Knee

sore_0Runner’s knee or patellofemoral pain syndrome is a common biomechanical problem that can affect anyone who is involved in activities that requires on-going knee bending, such as walking, biking, or running.

Patellofemoral pain syndrome can result from:

  • Overuse. Repeated overstretching of the muscles and tendons of the knee
  • Trauma to the knee by a fall or blow
  • Misalignment. If any of the bones are slightly misaligned excessive stress is placed on the cartilage of the kneecap.
  • Worn cartilage in the knee joint
  • Leg length discrepancies
  • If you suffer from over pronation, fallen arches or high arches

Minor to moderate cases of runner’s knee should heal with minimum treatment and minimal down time.

  • Rest the knee. Try to avoid putting weight on your knee for a few days
  • Ice your knee to reduce pain and swelling. Do this for 20-30 minutes every 3-4 hours for 2-3 days
  • Compress your knee by using an elastic bandage, athletic tape, or a soft brace
  • Elevate your knee whenever you’re sitting or lying down
  • Use anti-inflammatory medication
  • Practice stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Use orthotics to support your arches

Chiropractic and Physiotherapy can treat runner’s knee with manual manipulations and modalities to get you back to your regular routine as quickly as possible.

  • Deep Tissue Laser Therapy – accelerates the body’s own natural healing process
  • Graston Technique – soft tissue treatment that breaks down scar tissue
  • Therapeutic Ultrasound – increases circulation to help the healing process and decreases pain.
  • K-Taping – designed for muscle, ligament and tendon pain relief and support
  • TENS Therapy – a non-invasive nerve stimulation intended to reduce both acute and chronic pain
  • Shockwave Therapy – a non-surgical treatment of soft tissue, bone, and joint pain

How to prevent runner’s knee:

  • Use custom orthotics in all your footwear
  • Wear runners with good shock absorption and quality construction, and replace them often
  • Avoid running on surfaces like concrete or asphalt
  • Stay in shape and maintain a healthy weight
  • Weak thigh muscles, tight hamstring and calf muscles can put extra stress on the knee; so stretch, stretch, stretch
  • Tape your knee while exercising, if you’ve had runner’s knee before.

As with any injury, contact your doctor or health care practitioner to be diagnosed and to create a treatment plan that’s right for you.