
Leg Pain & Treatment Options | Chiropractic Victoria BC

Leg Pain & Treatment Options | Chiropractic Victoria BCLeg pain can range from a mild irritation to an unbearable pain that makes it difficult to complete any day-to-day activities. Leg pain can take many different forms, from a dull ache to searing pain. Other symptoms that may also occur are a pins-and-needle sensation, numbness or weakness.

Leg pain can be caused by a problem in the leg, but often it starts with a problem in the lower back, where the sciatic nerve originates, and then travels down,  along the path of the nerve. For this reason, if you have leg/foot pain, or leg/foot weakness or numbness, you should have a health care practitioner include an examination of the lower back.

When a nerve root in the lower spine is irritated (sciatica) you can experience a searing pain that starts in the lower back area and radiates down to the leg. Sciatic pain can be a constant or intermittent pain, and for many people this pain can be excruciating and debilitating. Spinal decompression treatments can bring relief for this type of back pain.

Numbness can be another symptom of leg ”pain” and is frequently caused by a pinched nerve.  Numbness coming from a low back problem can interfere with movement, balance, level of fatigue and can be a symptom of something more serious such as MS or a stroke. Both chiropractic and physiotherapy can treat a pinched nerve.

If you sit or stand for long periods of time and you have leg pain, you might suffer from positional leg pain (spinal stenosis/facet joint, which is a problem of anatomy in the low back) this pain can usually be relieved by simply changing your positions.  You can also alleviate these symptoms by bending over, or with gentle stretching.

Other causes of leg pain can be due to either over-pronation/under-pronation of the foot; which can cause added stress on your leg and back muscles. A gait scan of your feet will diagnosis if you are a candidate for orthotics.

The types of leg pain experienced can vary widely from patient to patient, so it is important that you seek a diagnosis from a trusted health care practitioner.

2 replies
  1. Igor
    Igor says:


    What is your opinion on “spinal decompression devices for home use”? I see a lot of them being sold but it seems dangerous operating them yourself without professional supervision..


  2. Carmen Scott
    Carmen Scott says:

    Good morning,

    That’s a good question. With any back pain treatment, each one has its disadvantage and advantage, depending on what is causing the pain. If you are determined to work through your spinal debilitation with self treatment: inform your doctor or health care practitioner!! Allow them to diagnosis, and prescribe specific methods and equipment for you.

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