
Improving Your Golf Swing: The Basics

Many golfers find the toughest thing about golf is maintaining and perfecting a consistent swing.  Below are a few key tips to head you in the right direction.

Golf Basics:

Holding the club – Grip the club in your fingers and not in the palm of your hands with a firm grip. There are three common types of grips; the interlocking, the overlapping and the baseball grip. Find the one that works best for you.

Positioning – Your feet, hips and shoulders should be parallel to the golf ball and square to the target. The left shoulder needs to face the target, and the left foot should be directly under the left shoulder. Create a stance which is wide, solid, stable and balanced.

Square to the target – This popular golf term means facing the right direction when you are getting ready to swing the club. Your shoulders should point at the target, and your feet should line up squarely under your shoulders.

Keep your eyes on the ball – Keeping your eyes on the ball will ensure that you keep your head down during a swing. If you lift your head when swinging, you will lift your shoulders and either slice the ball or miss the ball completely.

Backswing – Begin the backswing with your hands, arms and shoulders moving together as you rotate your hips. Halfway through the back swing the club should be square to the target and your hips should be rotated half as much as your shoulders. Focus on great posture by tilting at your hips and not at your waist.

Downswing – Keep the same position on the downswing, as you used on the back swing, making sure that the club face is squarely set to hit the ball.  The lower body starts the movement first, while the upper body follows. Lead with your lower body on your downswing, with your knee and hip rotating your body into alignment for the downswing.  At impact, your left hip will continue rotation for the follow through.

The goal is to build a smooth, consistent and relaxed swing, to create a swing that works best for you.