If you are asking the question, is spinal decompression right for me? | chiropractor victoria bc; there is a good chance that you are suffering from neck or back pain.  Spinal decompression provides relief to severe back and neck pain sufferers by gently reducing the pressure within spinal discs.

The bones of the spine are slowly and methodically separated using a state-of-the-art decompression table (Diversified Health Clinic uses the Kennedy Decompression Table). As the vertebrae are separated pressure is slowly reduced within the disc until a vacuum is formed. This vacuum “sucks” the gelatinous center of the disc back inside thereby reducing the disc bulge or disc herniation. Significant disc bulge reduction removes pressure off the spinal nerves and drastically reduces pain and disability. This “sucking” vacuum also pulls much-needed oxygen, nutrients and fluid into injured and degenerated discs allowing the healing to begin.

Is Spinal Decompression Right For Me? | chiropractor victoria bc

Spinal DecompressionTable

On your first visit to Diversified Health Clinic your practitioner Dr. Krisjan Gustavson will take a detailed medical history, and a through physical exam, which can include a variety of diagnostics tools.

Therapy sessions typically last 20 minutes with most people feeling pain relief with as few as 3-5 treatments. It is important to remember however, that pain subsiding does not infer that your discs and spine are healed, so it’s critical that patients follow the treatment protocol prescribed by their practitioners in order to achieve the full value of the decompression therapy.

What conditions can benefit from using a decompression table

  • Severe or chronic low back and neck pain
  • Sciatica
  • Degenerative disc and joint disease
  • Herniated or Bulging disc
  • Numbness, tingling or burning pain

Lumbar decompression effectively treats these conditions to help patients live a pain-free life and return to a more active lifestyle.

Please contact us for a free consultation which will help to answer the question; is spinal decompression right for me? | chiropractor victoria bc.

Sleep, why can’t I get enough? This is the question that most of us ask even knowing that sleep deprivation is often voluntary. Many people would rather work late, watch television, or do just about anything else than obtain what they need in sleep time: 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

Sleep allows your body both to relax and replenish itself. For example, studies show that growth hormones secreted during sleep help repair damaged tissue.

For most people, puffy baggy eyes, a droopy face, and an overall draggy demeanor is what they see when they look in the mirror after a hard night of no sleep or insufficient sleep. In contrast, a good night’s sleep, especially when you sleep well night after night, is far more likely to leave you with clearer skin and an improved attitude to life.

Alcohol may cause insomnia or frequent awakenings, and to improve your sleep time and quality, you should eliminate or at least cut back your alcohol consumption.

Caffeine is another sleep robber, because it’s a stimulant that prevents you from falling asleep with ease. Caffeine remains in the body 3 to 7 hours after consumption! Heeding this information, avoid foods and drinks with caffeine, as well as chocolate (which also has caffeine in it) at least 3 hours before you want to go to sleep.

Sometimes medications can induce insomnia as a side effect. Ask your doctor if your medicines could be keeping you awake. If so, your physician may be able to change the medication or reduce the dosage.

You may also want to try a chiropractic adjustment or an acupuncture session which can aid in helping you regain your normal sleep patterns.

What if you can’t sleep, despite following the above advice? Consider making some lifestyle changes.

First, analyze your bedtime habits. Are you going to bed at midnight and expecting to fall asleep instantly? This is less likely to happen if you’ve been having an animated discussion with family or friends or watching an exciting movie on TV. Delay the debate and tape the movie and watch it another day, and turn in earlier.

Also don’t eat fashionably late. If you dine at 9:00, and then expect to fall asleep at 10:00, think again! You’ve given your digestive system plenty to work on. Better to eat earlier, so your body can wind down at night.

Now, if you smoke, keep in mind nicotine is a stimulant that makes it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep so avoid smoking for several hours before bedtime.

Ask yourself what’s going on with your life now. Are you stressed out, as many people with insomnia are? If so, it’s time to bring down stress levels. One way is through slow, deep breathing. Another strategy to achieve shuteye is mastering simple relaxation therapy techniques. Lie down, close your eyes, and imagine different muscle groups relaxing. You can start with your feet and work your way up to your head, in your mind. Or start with your head and work down to the toes.

Often gentle exercising is an inducement to sleep. Experts report walking is a great cardiovascular exercise that can also relax the body so that it’s ready to fall into a nice deep sleep when it’s time. Take a brief walk a few hours before you’d like to sleep.

It’s important to use your bedroom for sleeping and intimacy only. Avoid using it as an office away from the office or another place to watch television. If you’re facing sleepless nights, purge your bedroom of work and entertainment paraphernalia.

Transform your bedroom into a sleep-inducing room. Do you have a comfortable mattress, clean soft sheets, and is the thermostat set at a moderate temperature? If not, then go ahead and make the needed changes. You may find that they help lull you into dreamland.

Live long enough and you can pretty much count on developing arthritis, so an introduction to arthritis | acupuncture victoria bc just makes sense. Joints naturally degenerate over time!

Arthritis (“arth” meaning joint and “itis” meaning inflammation) isn’t a single condition; it actually consists of more than 1oo different conditions.  These can be anything from mild forms of tendonitis, such as tennis elbow and bursitis, to a crippling systemic form such as rheumatoid arthritis.  There are pain syndromes like fibromyalgia and arthritis related disorders such as lupus.

An Introduction to Arthritis | acupuncture victoria bc

An Introduction to Arthritis | acupuncture victoria bc

There are forms of the disease, such as gout that almost nobody connects with arthritis.  The common denominator for all these conditions is joint and musculoskeletal pain which is why they are grouped together as arthritis. Often the pain is a result of inflammation of the joint lining.

Inflammation is involved in may forms of arthritis, it is the body’s natural response to an injury.  The warning signs that inflammation is present is redness, swelling, heat and pain.   When a joint becomes inflamed it may get any or all of the mentioned symptoms.  This can prevent the normal use of the joint and can cause the loss of function of that joint.

Acupuncture has been found to be extremely effective at treating the pain and inflammation associated with all types of arthritis. During the acupuncture treatment, tiny needles will be placed along your legs, arms, shoulders, and perhaps even your little toe!  Acupuncture points to treat Arthritis are located all over the body, not just directly over the affected area.

Now that you have had an introduction to arthritis | acupuncture victoria bc, please contact Victoria Spaurel R.Ac. to find out if acupuncture is right for you!

Sometimes it’s hard to know and to understand colds and flu symptoms. Many of the symptoms are the same, and both colds and flu are caused by viruses, not bacteria, which means that you can’t treat them with antibiotics.

Common Cold:

The common cold affects the upper respiratory system – so most of the symptoms involve the eyes, nose and throat.  The common cold is spread by touching contaminated surfaces or other people’s hands, then touching your eyes and nose.

Understanding Colds & Flu

Photo Credit: ayushveda.com

Symptoms appear between 12 hours and 5 days after an exposure, and last for 2 to 7 days.

  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Sore throat
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Low fever or chills (rarely)
  • Some tiredness or muscle aches


Flu symptoms are typically worse than cold symptoms, and are more likely to affect your whole body, rather than being more localized in your nose, eyes and throat.   With the flu, you can have additional symptoms like fever, body aches, extreme fatigue and a dry cough.

Symptoms appear 1 to 3 days after exposure, and lasts for 2 to 14 days.

  • Sudden fever (38° C or higher)
  • Cough (sometimes dry)
  • Achy muscles
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Chills
  • Extreme fatigue

So how can you prevent colds and flu…..

Wash your hands frequently and remember to wash before and after eating, after using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing, and after touching surfaces that may have been contaminated by other people.

Cover up when you cough or sneeze, and use a tissue, or raise your arm up to your face to cough or sneeze into your sleeve.

Keep shared surface areas clean like doorknobs, light switches, telephones, and keyboards, that can be contaminated with all kinds of bacteria and viruses.

Stay home! If you go out when you’re sick, you may spread your illness to your co-workers. Wait until you no longer have a fever and your cough is improving.

The most important thing about understanding Colds and Flu, are not the symptoms, but rather the simple everyday thing you can do to prevent them.

Let’s start by explaining what a stress fracture is. A stress fracture is a tiny crack in a bone that usually happens from overuse. Stress fractures are one of the most common injuries in sports but a stress fracture can affect anyone with weak bones or nutritional deficiencies.

The symptoms for a stress fracture are not always easy to diagnosis, and stress fractures can get worse quickly and so please contact your healthcare practitioner if you notice the following symptoms:

  • pain in the foot or leg, spine, and other locations when exercising that goes away when resting
  • pain that starts happening earlier in the activity each time it’s done
  • pain that gets worse with time and can be felt even after rest
  • an area of the affected bone that is painful to touch

At Diversified Health Clinic  you will be asked questions about your medical history, your activity level and other things that might put you at risk for a stress fracture. A physical examine of the affected area, to check for tenderness and looking to see if there’s any redness or swelling.

Stress fractures happen mostly in the lower limbs, like the foot or lower leg, where bones get more pressure from bearing weight. But people also get stress fractures in the upper limbs if they put repetitive strain on the bones such as when playing tennis or golf, or during work such as a carpenter or brick layer.

You are more likely to develop a stress fracture, if you have a a low level of physical fitness, which causes problems with muscle strength. Weak muscles put the bones at greater risk of fractures.  A low intake of calcium and Vitamin D, or flat feet, which may increase the risk of stress fractures of the tibia (the bigger bone in the lower part of the leg)

Treatment for a stress fracture can include:

  • Cold Laser
  • Ice/Heat
  • Physiotherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Rehab exercises
  • Calcium supplements
  • Anti inflammatory medication

If noticed early and treated correctly, most stress fractures will heal by themselves in a matter of weeks, so a stress fracture treatment plan includes various options and modalities specifically for your injury.

One of the keys to recovering from an episode of back pain and to help avoid future recurrences of back pain, is to pursue appropriate rehabilitation and back exercise for pain relief  | Chiropractor Victoria BC .

There are three types of muscles that support the spine:

  • Extensors (back and gluteal muscles), which are used to straighten the back (stand), lift and extend, and move the thighs out away from the body.
  • Flexors (abdominal and iliopsoas muscles), which are used to bend and support the spine from the front; they also control the arch of the lumbar (lower) spine and flex and move the thigh in toward the body.
  • Obliques or Rotators (side muscles), which are used to stabilize the spine when upright; they rotate the spine and help maintain proper posture and spinal curvature.
Back Exercise for Pain Relief  | Chiropractor Victoria BC

Photo Credit: fun-physicalfitness.com

While some of these muscles are used in everyday life, most do not get adequate exercise from daily activities and tend to weaken with age unless they are specifically exercised.

For all forms of exercise, it is advisable to see a trained and licensed health practitioner before starting any exercise program.


Any form of inactivity, especially if an injured back is involved, is usually associated with some progressive stiffness. Therefore, it is necessary to push the range of motion in a controlled manner. Patients with chronic pain may find it takes weeks or months of stretching to mobilize the spine and soft tissues, but will find that the increase in motion provides meaningful and sustained relief of their back pain.

Stretching exercise should focus on achieving flexibility and elasticity in the disc, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.


An episode of back pain that lasts for more than two weeks should be treated with proper strengthening exercise to prevent a recurring cycle of pain and weakness.

There are two primary forms of exercise for strengthening and/or pain relief that tend to be used for specific conditions.

First focus on extending the spine to reduce pain generated from a collapsed disc space. Extension may also help reduce a herniated disc and reduce pressure on a nerve root.  Second focus on finding the patient’s “neutral” spine, that is, the position that allows the patient to feel most comfortable. The back muscles are then exercised to teach the spine how to stay in this position. Performed on an ongoing basis, these exercises can help keep the back strong and well-positioned.

Low-Impact Aerobic Conditioning

Finally, conditioning through low-impact aerobic exercise is very important for both rehabilitation and maintenance of the lower back.

Three low impact aerobic exercise that many people with back pain can tolerate include:

  • Water therapy (aqua fit) provides a gentle form of conditioning as the water counteracts gravity making many stretching movements easier and provides buoyancy as well as mild resistance.
  • Continuous walking at a sustained pace for a minimum of twenty to thirty minutes is required to provide aerobic conditioning.
  • Riding a stationary bicycle provides aerobic conditioning with minimal impact on the spine.

Choosing the most appropriate form of exercise depends upon the nature of the injury and an individual’s exercise preferences. It is advisable to discuss options with your health practitioner to identify the back exercise for pain relief  | Chiropractor Victoria BC that is best to incorporate into your  daily routine.

Article Credit: Spine Health

Sciatica is a pain that shoots along the sciatic nerve, radiating through the buttocks and down the back of the leg and a Victoria clinic has the answer to Sciatica Pain. Sciatica is caused by different types of pressure on the sciatic nerve in the lower back or buttocks. It can also be the result of damage to the nerve roots that feed into the sciatic nerve.

Victoria clinic has the answer to Sciatica Pain

Photo Credit: chirogeek.com

This may be the result of something as simple as bad posture, muscle strain or spasm, being overweight, or sleeping on a mattress that is too soft. More seriously, it can result from pressure exerted on the sciatic nerve or its nerve roots by a slipped disc in the back.

Pain from sciatica can change: it can be shooting or burning, sharp or dull, non-stop, or intermittent. Pain is usually only felt on one side of the body. Some people complain of intense and acute pain. Others experience a numb and weak feeling in the parts of their leg where it hurts. This may sometimes indicate more serious neurological problems. Sneezing, coughing, straining, bending, or lifting can make it worse.

Your chiropractor will check the spine for areas of tenderness, and test for sensation, coordination,  and muscle strength. Sciatica can be relieved by treating symptoms and any specific cause that exists, such as a slipped disc.  At Diversified Health Clinic,  the Kennedy Spinal Decompression table is the first choice in treating Sciatica pain.  Spinal Decompression provides relief to severe back and neck pain sufferers by gently reducing the pressure within spinal discs.

Moderate exercise will be recommended if pain is minimal, and when acute symptoms have lessened, rehab therapy  will be suggested to help strengthen abdominal and back muscles, which is important to prevent a return of  these symptoms. There are other things you can do in your day to day life to help your recovery; such as  sleeping on a firm mattress on your side or back with knees bent, and never sleep on your stomach.  Also sit in chairs that have firm back support and sit up straight against the back of the chair and adjust the height of chairs so your feet are flat on the floor and the knees are a little higher than the hips.

A Victoria clinic has the answer to Sciatica Pain; please call Dr. Krisjan Gustavson at Diversified Health Clinic for more information on Sciatica Pain.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome II: chiropractor victoria bc

We devised a Recommended Action Plan for Laurie, including regular chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, acupuncture and some good lifestyle changes that Laurie needed to commit to, such as some simple exercises she could perform and a regular plan of walking for at least three times each week. We cautioned Laurie not to expect an instant cure, but instead to look for steady improvement if she followed our recommendations.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome II: chiropractor victoria bc

Photo Credit: vibrationtraining.net

After several weeks, and to her obvious amazement, Laurie said the pain was starting to disappear. It wasn’t totally gone, and she still had some bad days. But she also had some good days too, something she hadn’t seen for years! We slightly increased the time and the distance that Laurie should walk and told her to continue the simple exercises. We also reduced the care as scheduled to twice a week. Laurie agreed to this plan.

Laurie’s situation has improved markedly since then, and has gone to a monthly treatment to maintain her progress.

Laurie’s  personal relationships have greatly improved.  Her daughter is still a teenager, and teenagers can be quite a handful. But now that Laurie can respond to what her daughter needs (not always giving her what she wants, of course!), her relationship with her daughter has improved.

The pain has abated so much that Laurie has been able to return to work part-time, which has been good for her pocketbook and for her self-esteem. Laurie reports that she, her husband, and her daughter are all very grateful for the chiropractic care that she received in our clinic, and it has given her back her life, all because her friend referred her to Diversified Health.

We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and getting them feeling better!  Who do you know that may be living needlessly in pain with Myofascial Pain Syndrome II: chiropractor victoria bc.

Call us  at 250-382-0018 and we will assist you in putting together a custom maintenance plan.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome | chiropractor victoria bc   

When we first met her; Laurie came into Diversified Health very upset, fed up and feeling like nobody could help her, and  thinking that we probably couldn’t do anything much for her either. Her doctors had told her to learn to live with the constant pain she’d been experiencing for several years, and were apparently baffled by her condition.

Laurie told us that the pain had taken over her life. She could no longer work, and her marriage was not doing well. Her relationship with her teenage daughter was also very bad. Laurie said she knew adolescent girls were tough to cope with, but she also knew that they needed some attention, and Laurie was unable to interact with her daughter on most days because of the pain. She felt guilty and inadequate because she felt like a failure, both at work and in her family life.

A friend had suggested that the practitioner at Diversified Health would pay actual attention to her symptoms and would help her to attain some level of health and freedom from pain. She was hesitant because she’d never been to a chiropractor, and wasn’t quite sure what the experience would be like.

We took a complete medical history to determine if there were any obvious or subtler areas of trauma. The evidence suggested that Laurie was suffering from myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), a painful problem characterized by “trigger points” of pain, and a limited range of motion in the affected area. It’s also a condition that is exacerbated by stress. Ironically, in her worry and fear over finding a way to pain relief, Laurie was inadvertently worsening the condition.

Laurie could point out where the pain spots of her myofascial pain syndrome were located, and we were also able to readily identify the knobby points of muscle tissue in each place where she said she was hurting so badly. These trigger points don’t show up on imaging, but an experienced chiropractor will be able to find them by touch. Stay tuned for the next article where we discuss the Recommended Action Plan for Laurie in dealing with Myofascial Pain Syndrome | chiropractor victoria bc .

De-stress Kids with Yoga | vancouver island health – Stress is a fact of life. Surprisingly, stress comes in the form of both good and bad. Stress is indeed a disease, causing problems for both the physical body and mental functions. There is however an important distinction: long-term stress (e.g. emotional, drug, and financial) can cause significant damage, but short-term bursts of focused stress (e.g. writing an exam or being in a job interview) can actually help you to function better and be healthier.

Today’s world is tough … not only for us but also for our children. The constant go-go environment refined by busy households, school pressures, video games, malls and competitive sports, are so stress-filled that it is bound to subject our children to the burdens of life at a young age. As parents, it’s easy for us to overlook these influences as stressful for our kids, but they often are.

Regardless of what type of pressures our children face – they need to be taught how to manage stress overall. Amongst many different ways to alleviate and control stress, one method in particular can make quite a difference … yoga, for kids.

De-stress Kids with Yoga | vancouver island healthPhoto Credit; kidsyogaguide.com

Yoga is used by millions of adults to increase flexibility, strengthen muscles, center thoughts, and to handle stress. Yoga followers seek refuge in allowing the mind to reconnect with their soul to create harmony within, while also being relaxed and soothed. There have been many times when I’ve left a yoga class feeling so relaxed that a groovy “yes” response would have been rendered to just about any question. Children can benefit from yoga in the same manner, as it can be used to counter the pressures they experience. When children learn techniques for self-health, relaxation, and inner fulfillment, they are given the skill to navigate life’s challenges with a little more ease. Yoga at an early age also encourages self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that’s non-competitive. This non-competitive approach encourages co-operation and compassion—instead of opposition— which is a valuable message to send to our children.

Whether your child is feeling stress from a normal everyday stressor or from something out of the ordinary, yoga can be just the right prescription to help him or her survive stress reactions. Kids not only learn how to experience their physicality with yoga, but they also learn to appreciate the value in proper breathing. Remember times when you were under pressure and the one thing people told you to do …“breathe”. Why? Because breathing deeply and regularly creates a calmer feeling within the body and a clearer feeling in the mind. As a result, this gives you a much better ability to handle stress.

Yoga for children is a natural way to exercise, relax, focus, and strengthen the body/mind/spirit connection. Yoga programs for kids have been available now for almost a decade and are specifically tailored to children’s age groups, which makes it fun! For example younger children are asked to assume poses from nature such as a snake, tree, or a dog. There are also programs in place for those children with special needs, which are geared towards teaching self awareness, self control, and concentration.

This weekend, why not “chill-lax” in the comfort of your own home by hosting a family yoga session using Yoga Pretzels Cards! These colorful cards are full of fun activities for kids and grownups to do together, and focus on teaching the basics of yoga while practicing bending, twisting, breathing, and relaxing. Truly a wonderful family activity to engage on a Friday night!

I encourage all parents to look for kids’ yoga in your area and enroll your children De-stress Kids with Yoga | vancouver island health – you just may be introducing them to one of life’s best survival skills.

Sources: Geeta Bagga
Benefits of Yoga for Kids
Yoga for Kids Guidelines and Poses