Massage therapy sessions are beneficial to physical health and mental health.

Massage therapy can improve overall physical health by increasing the immune system function, decreasing heart rate, decreasing blood pressure, and lowering stress, just to name a few. Massage therapy can also provide many benefits for your emotional health.  Here are just a few of the ways massage therapy provides emotional and physical support.

The Body

  • Relieves stress and aids in relaxation
  • Relieves muscle tension, stiffness and pain. Massage reduces these symptoms by stimulating the release of endorphins
  • Improves the healing time of strained muscles and sprained ligaments; as well as reducing pain, swelling, and the formation of scar tissue
  • Improves flexibility and range of motion
  • Improves the circulation of blood and movement of lymph fluids, which supply nutrients to individual cells; while improving the cells ability to rid the body of waste materials from these cells
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Helps relieve tension headaches
  • Enhances the health and nourishment of the skin
  • Strengthens the immune system

The Mind

  • Massage promotes calm thinking by relaxing the mind and the body; which can lead to a better and deeper sleep.  Getting adequate sleep can help to reduce irritability, fatigue, and the ability to think clearly
  • Massage promotes a more relaxed state of mental alertness; which can help to quiet the mind and enter a state of  total relaxation
  • Helps relieve mental stress and reduces anxiety levels by producing endorphin’s such as serotonin and dopamine which help with depression
  • Satisfies the need for touch, which fosters a feeling of well-being.  Negative emotions like anxiety, and depression will manifest as physical symptoms, such as increased aggression, anxiety, depression, and fatigue

Stress and the challenges of daily life can influence our mind-body connection, which is a complex relationship between our thoughts, emotions and our bodies. Regular massage therapy can help alleviate many symptoms that  block your recovery.

Symptoms and warning signs of mental illness will vary depending on the type and severity of the condition. You don’t need to have every item on the list below to know that there may be something wrong;  or have the exact same warning signs as someone else.

Some general symptoms that may suggest a mental disorder include:

  • Confused thinking, disorientation or fogginess
  • Difficulty concentrating, learning, and staying on task
  • Inability to carry out daily activities
  • Prolonged sadness or increased irritability
  • Extreme highs and lows in mood
  • Excessive fear, worrying or anxiety
  • Difficulty handling stress
  • Social withdrawal from friends and activities
  • Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits
  • Changes in eating habits that lead to weight loss or gain
  • Strong feelings of anger or aggressive behavior
  • Delusions or hallucinations
  • Inability to cope with daily problems and activities
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Abuse of drugs / alcohol
  • Self-medicating
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Psychosomatic “illnesses” that can’t be diagnosis by a doctor

Knowing the early warning signs and symptoms of mental illness can help you get the help that is needed before life spirals out of control.  These warning signs, particularly when occurring together, are an indicator that it is time to contact a mental health organization, doctor, health care practitioner, family member or friend and seek help.

Remember there are always organizations and professionals that can help.  If you’re experiencing a lot of warning signs and feel like you’re nearing a crisis, contact your doctor or mental health provider.  You can also contact your local crisis centre.

Crisis centres will have trained people that can connect you with local services, including emergency mental health services. In BC, call the BC Crisis Line 310-6789 (do not add 604, 778 or 250 before the number) to talk to someone without a wait or busy signal. They’re available 24 hours a day.  You can also go to the emergency room or call 911.


While each method/therapy uses a different approach, the goal is to help the client with the issues that brought them to counseling.  The therapy or treatment plans will depend upon the type of mental health disorder they are struggling with, what their individual needs are, and what therapy their counselor or doctor selects for their treatment plan.

Mental health therapies offer:

  • Understanding behaviors and emotions that contribute to the illness, and how to modify them
  • Understanding and identifying problems or events that contribute to the illness and help understand which aspects of those problems can be solved or improved
  • Regaining a sense of control by learning coping techniques and skills

Different approaches to therapy include:

Psychodynamic therapy is based on the assumption that a person is having emotional problems because of unresolved, generally unconscious conflicts, often stemming from childhood. The goal of this type of therapy is to recognize those difficulties and to find ways to resolve them or cope with them better. Psychoanalysis involves an intense, open-ended exploration of a patient’s feelings, often with multiple sessions in a week.

Psychodynamic therapies help patients:

  • to explore the full range of their emotions
  • to talk about feelings that are troubling or feelings that they may not have acknowledged in the past
  • focus on recognizing and addressing defense mechanisms — reactions and behaviors they use

Interpersonal therapy focuses on the behaviors and interactions a patient has with family and friends. This therapy is used to improve communication skills and increase self-esteem.  This type of program only lasts a few months, and works well for clients dealing with mourning, relationship conflicts, major life events, and social isolation.

Psycho-dynamic and interpersonal therapies help patients resolve;

  • Loss,
  • Relationship conflicts
  • Role transitions

Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps people with mental illness to identify and change inaccurate perceptions that they may have of themselves and the world around them. The purpose of this form of therapy is to change the thought processes therefore changing negative behavior.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is recommended for patients:

  • Who think and behave in ways that trigger and perpetuate mental illness
  • Who suffer from depression / anxiety disorders
  • Who the mental illness causes suffering, or a disability

Medication therapy dose not cure mental illness, however, it can be used to in manage symptoms of the illness and can help a person manage their daily lives.  Most treatment plans include both medication and psychotherapy.

Commonly used classes of prescription medications include:
  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-anxiety medications
  • Mood-stabilizing medications
  • Antipsychotic medications
There are many different treatment options available, and no one treatment plan or therapy will work for everyone. These option range from psychotherapy, medication, complementary & alternative medicine, support groups & peer support groups, and hospitalization or treatment centres.

Physiotherapist Job PostingDiversified Health is actively recruiting an additional Physiotherapist to join our team of dedicated health professionals.

Our clinic is located in the heart of downtown Victoria, in the iconic Mosaic Building at 1063 Fort Street. We are a multi-disciplinary clinic of Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Registered Massage Therapists and Acupuncturists.

The successful physiotherapist will be motivated and self-disciplined, with a sincere desire to develop an extensive client base. We have a growing case load of highly active clientele, ranging from everyday individuals all the way up to high level athletes.

Your ability to build rapport with patients and practitioners, combined with the opportunity to work alongside experienced team members, will ensure your success.

Diversified Health Clinic provides all reception services, patient billing, and inclusion in our advertising, marketing, and website.  All practitioner supplies for your practice will be provided by the clinic.

Compensation:  competitive, percentage based contract.

Please submit your resume either in person to our offices at 1063 Fort Street or via email to attention to Lola Steel, Clinic Manager.

imHaving positive mental health means there is a balance in all parts of your life. (social, physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, and mental).

Mental health issues can cause a big change in the way a person thinks, feels, acts, and their ability to function on a daily basis. Mental illness has a huge affect on the quality of life of people living with these illnesses.

There is usually no one cause of a mental health problem:

  1. biological: chemistry in the brain or other body system
  2. psychological: issues with thought or emotion
  3. social: life events and stresses

Many factors can potentially trigger a period of poor mental health:

  • childhood abuse, trauma, or neglect
  • social isolation or loneliness
  • death of  a loved one
  • severe or long-term stress
  • unemployment or losing your job
  • social disadvantage, poverty or debt
  • homelessness or poor housing
  • caring for a family member
  • a long-term physical health condition
  • drug and alcohol misuse
  • domestic violence
  • significant trauma as an adult
  • genetic factors

There are two common forms of treatment for mental illness: talking treatments and medication.

  1. Talking treatments provide a regular time and space for you to talk about your thoughts and experiences and explore difficult feelings with a trained professional. This can include general counseling, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, or psychological therapy.  These treatment options can help deal with a specific problem,and help cope with upsetting memories or experiences while develop helpful ways of dealing with  day-to-day life.
  1. Medication treatment is available by prescription medication.  Prescription medication doesn’t cure mental health problems, but can reduce many symptoms, which will help the individual cope with daily life.  Some common medication used for mental health are: antidepressants, anti-anxiety medication, sleeping pills, mood stabilizers and anti-psychotic medication.

It can be hard to recognize whether someone’s behavior is a result of an emotional incident, or a signal of mental illness. Short-lived feelings of sadness, loneliness or stress are part of our every day experiences, and help us  cope with more traumatic experiences in the future, however, when these emotions remain unchanged over time and start to interfere with day-to-day life, they could be signs of mental illness.

imagesThis is the time of year when many of us start to take stock of our lives and make decision about how to improve ourselves.  Setting goals can be a great way to make changes in your life, but they can also be a source of stress for many people.

If you are always setting goals, you are actually saying, you’re not good enough until the goal is reached. Also, if you frequently quit your goals….. you can start to feel negative about yourself.

So the first question you should be asking is do you want to set a goal this year. Remember the goal doesn’t have to centre around you being a better you.  Why not try goals that incorporate your interests such as I will read five books this year, or I will cook a vegetarian meal once a month.

But if you are determined to set a new years goal ; below are some guidelines on setting goals.

 Only set one or two goals and make sure that the goals can be measured – Specific goals are more effective. An effective goal clearly indicates what you need to do to accomplish the task. This means that you must be able to measure the performance that relates to the specific goal. For example,  I need to spend less time on the social media… should be…I will spend 30 minutes less a day on the computer.

Set realistic goals – Goals should not be so big that you experience failure and frustration in trying to reach them. Once a goal has been chosen, make sure it includes a target date for accomplishing what you set out to achieve.

Goals should not be “set in stone” – Life sometimes gets “in-the-way” of our goal; so your goals may need to be revised in order to achieve them. Don’t feel discouraged if you need to “tweak” your original goal… stay positive.

Many folks use the SMART formula when setting goals: SMART is a mnemonic used by life coaches and motivators for a system of goal identification, setting, and achievement.

S – Specific: A specific goal is simple and easy to describe. Stating that you will start an exercise program is not specific. A specific goal is… I will start a yoga class two nights a week to improve my flexibility.

M – Measurable: You need to be able to tell if you are achieving your goal.

 A – Achievable: Don’t schedule your workouts  after work, when you know that your job will interfere with your ability to get to the gym. A better goal is to state that you will workout twice a week…. Remember you can always adjust your goals.

 R – Be Realistic: If you haven’t been exercising, and you’ve never done any fitness classes before,  sign up for a beginner class! Signing up for an intensive workout class will sabotage your goals.

 T – Timely: Set a clear time frame to achieve your goal. Always take time to celebrate your achievements. Reward your hard work along the way as you achieve the small goal.

Whatever system you decide to use, remember to stay positive, know that there will be set backs, and surrounding yourself with positive people who will be your cheerleaders.  Or, perhaps this will be the year that “you are perfect” just the way you are” and take a year off from goal setting!

Happy New Year!

“The two main causes of injuries among snowboarders and skiers are falls and collisions,” says Dr. Brad Yee. “The way to avoid injury is to do pre-season dry land training exercises. Snowboarders need to stabilize and strengthen their upper extremities, like their shoulders and arms,” says Dr. Yee. “Skiers need to strengthen their lower extremities, specifically quads and hamstring muscles.”

Dr. Yee says that core strength for the spine is important for both sports. He suggests that skiers and snowboarders could include one or two lessons at the beginning of the season, just to get the cobwebs out of their technique, and to rid themselves of any bad habits. Often when the knees get tired, more force is exerted on the spine with each bump. Exercise and working to give the spine extra strength and flexibility will help resist the rigors of skiing. Even when people are on the slopes, stretching exercises are important.

The first run and last run of the day should be done on easier slopes. Most injuries happen near the end of the day when slope enthusiasts are fighting both fatigue and poorer snow conditions.

Commenting on recent studies comparing snowboarding and alpine skiing injuries, Dr. Yee notes the following:

  • Injury patterns differ between alpine skiing and snowboarding, although incidence of injury is about the same for both sports, with five injuries per one thousand visits to the slopes.
  • Snowboarders tend to receive more upper extremity fractures, two-and-a-half times more than skiers do. They also incur more ankle injuries than skiers.
  • Snowboarding injuries were usually minor in nature, for example, sprains strains, fractures and contusions. Serious injury was a result of direct trauma to affected organs.
  • Snowboarders suffer significant injuries to the coccyx; the lowest part of the spine … often referred to as the tailbone.
  • Skiers commonly injure their thumbs due to using poles, while thumb injuries in snowboarders are almost non-existent.

Click to read the full article.

recreational-activities-1Most of us want to increase our activity levels; but we never seem to find the time. “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical fitness is defined as ‘the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and respond to emergencies.”  This requires proper conditioning through both structured exercise and leisurely activities.

Here are a few tips to help you increase your activity levels without really trying.

At Home:

  • Join a walking/ running group
  • Walk the dog or your neighbour’s dog
  • Clean the house
  • Walk more and drive less
  • Do stretches and exercises while watching TV
  • Do yard work
  • Clean your house
  • While waiting for the water to boil, fill your time with angled push-ups on the counter
  • While brushing your teeth, fill your time with squats

At Work:

  • Get off public transit one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way
  • Park your car a few blocks away from the office and walk the rest of the way
  • Replace a coffee break with a quick 10-minute walk
  • Keep a water bottle at your desk and only fill it halfway so that you have to get up for refills throughout the day
  • Switch out your office chair for a stability ball or standing desk
  • Take calls standing up
  • Move around at work – try filing, copying,  or scanning

Every little bit  of activity adds up, and doing something is better than doing nothing.  Many of the activities listed above, involve working a wide range of muscle groups, through walking, bending, lifting and stretching.  You can purchase a fitness monitor: they are a great way to measure the amount of physical activity you are getting each day, and can also serve as a great motivator in your quest to becoming more active.

Treatment by acupunctureCan acupuncture help with a cold or flu?  The answer to that question is a resounding yes!

Acupuncture regulates the function of the immune system to give you a fighting chance against the common cold and flu. Acupuncture invigorates the organs of the body with fresh blood and body fluids, cleansing and helping to protect us by fortifying the body’s defensive barrier against foreign invaders such as viruses that cause seasonal illness.

The common cold and flu can occur during any time of the year, but is most prevalent during the fall and winter months Typical symptoms are headache, coughing, stuffy and running nose and body aches. Cold and flu are differentiated by their symptoms and treatment.

According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), there are three types of cold: wind cold, wind heat, and damp heat.

 Wind Cold:  Strong aversion to cold, minor fever, soreness and pain in limbs, itchy throat, white and thin phlegm, runny nose, clear nasal secretion and sneezing are symptomatic of wind cold.

Wind Heat:  Radiating headache, fever, running and stuffy nose, aversion to wind, sweating, sneezing, thirst, sore and swollen throat, coughing out thick, yellow phlegm and dry mouth are typical symptoms of wind heat.

 Damp Heat:  Headache, tiredness, stuffy or pressing sensation in the chest, nausea, and poor appetite,  are normally present with a damp heat cold.

Flu:  Flu can be spread rapidly through viral or bacterial infection in upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal system.  The symptoms appear quickly, beginning with chills, then fever followed by the feeling of “achyness”. The flu can be accompanied by  symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, including severe headache, red eyes, body aches and pain, fatigue, low energy, sinus congestion, running nose, sore and swollen throat, coughing and shortness of breath.

Prevention is the key to everything and TCM is no different. Patients will benefit much more from being treated prior to the onset of flu symptoms. However, if you start to exhibit symptoms of a cold or flu, then early intervention is the key to effective treatment. The sooner treatment is received for flu-like symptoms the faster and more effective acupuncture is.

To find out more about acupuncture and if it’s right  for you,  please contact Diversified Health Clinic.

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, is a painless, non-surgical procedure that is effective in reducing the signs of aging.

Acupuncture facial treatments includes the insertion of acupuncture needles into the fine lines and wrinkles in specific locations on the face, ears, and neck, in order to reduce the visible signs of aging.

The body interprets the insertion of the needles as a “positive injury” which in turn stimulates collagen and elastin production locally, as well as increasing blood flow at the cellular level and nutrient exchange.

Facial acupuncture is also a full constitutional treatment that views the face as an extension of the energy flows of the body which extend from the soles of the feet to the crown of the head and is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

What can you expect from after a series of treatments…..

  • Increased muscle tone and dermal contraction
  • Reduced bags under the eyes, and less tendency to sagging and jowls
  • No fine lines or frown lines, and less larger wrinkles
  • Softer and tighter skin due to the increased circulation of blood and lymph to the face
  • A radiant glow with more even colour
  • A reduced double chin
  • Lifted eyelids
  • A more relaxed and refreshed expression and beauty radiated from within

Unlike surgery that may have an extended recovery period with swelling and discolouration, there is no trauma from Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture.

While not a replacement for surgery, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is an excellent alternative to looking your best. For more information on this treatment, please contact the Acupuncturist.