Rules to Keep You Motivated | Walking

Rules to Keep You Motivated | WalkingIf you are looking for an easy, inexpensive way to exercise and get healthy, walking is your answer. Walking is good at strengthening muscles, helps brings oxygen and nourishment to your joints, and improves your circulatory system. But like all exercise programs… do you stay motivated? Using these 5 basic rules will help you stay on track!

Don’t Exercise Alone

One of the best ways to start and maintain a regular exercise program like walking, is to find a friend who is committed to the same goal as you. If you can’t find anyone in your neighbourhood, try joining an organized program like a walking club at your local Rec Centre.

No one says that your walking buddy can’t have 4 legs! If you don’t have a dog, volunteer to walk your neighbours.

Change up Your Routine

To make your activity more enjoyable, find ways to make it different and interesting, by varying your route.

For example, if walking is your passion, head out for your walk each day in a different direction, and at least once a week try doing something completely different, such as a walk in the park, on the beach or in the woods. You can also head down to your local school or Rec Centre, and do some laps around the track.

Keep Track of  Your Progress

Keeping track of how far, long and often you walk is an important walking strategy because it gives you a real sense of accomplishment.

One of the best motivational tools is a pedometer, because it gives you immediate feedback.

Have the Correct Footwear/Equipment

A pair of shoes/runners is the only equipment you need for walking, so it’s important to choose the right pair for you.

When you go shopping for shoes make sure to measure both feet, and buy the size that fits the bigger foot ( you can always add an insole, if needed, for the smaller foot). Bring the type of socks that you would wear to walk, and also your orthotics if you wear them. You will need to replace your shoes about every 500 miles (as often as every 4 months if you walk every day).

Excuses, excuses, excuses

The number one obstacle to exercising is EXCUSES!

People who make exercise a priority always find the time to fit their exercise routine into their day. If you are not quite there yet, make sure that you have a plan B.  If the weather is horrible, take your walks inside (walk at a mall or indoor track). If you are not feeling well,  or your walking buddy is a no show, go for a short walk; even walking around the block will help you stay on track.