Victoria Public Health Knows That Loneliness Has A Genetic Link To Illness
Victoria public health knows that loneliness has a genetic link to illness and that lonely people are more likely to get sick and die young because it affects their immune systems, according to new research.
Scientist at the University of California looked at the DNA of isolated people and found that chronically lonely people have distinct patterns of genetic activity, almost all of it involving the immune system.
Much like the age old question which came first the chicken or the egg, the study does not show which came first – the loneliness or the physical traits. Study author Steve Cole, a molecular biologist at the University of California said: “This study shows that the biological impact of social isolation reaches down into some of our most basic internal processes – the activity of our genes.”

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American scientists used a “gene chip” to look at the DNA of isolated people and found that those who described themselves as chronically lonely had weaker immune systems.
Their findings were remarkable – All 22,000 human genes were studied and compared, and 209 stood out in the loneliest people.
“These 200 genes weren’t sort of a random mishmash of genes. They were part of a highly suspicious conspiracy of genes. A big fraction of them seemed to be involved in the basic immune response to tissue damage,” Cole said. (The report has been published in the journal of Genome Biology).
The findings suggest that the loneliest people had unhealthy levels of chronic inflammation, which has been associated with heart and artery disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s and other ills. Victoria Public Health knows that loneliness has a genetic link to illness, so the first step is to start talking about how you feel and take steps to let people into your lives.
This is what I know. Whatever the illness stated as “cause of death” for isolated and lonely people is only secondary. What they *really* die of is a broken heart.
Some maybe of a broken heart…
Then there are those who have been brow beaten since childhood, and never for whatever reason never learned coping skills…
Sad to say that there are people that are just energy drainers, and people have difficulty being around them.
Then there for whatever reasons didn’t learn, refused, or gave up to learning social skills.
Then there are people like myself who on any given day say s___w it! And we pull the covers even higher over our heads… 🙂