It’s That Time Again…New Years Goals
This is the time of year when many of us start to take stock of our lives and make decision about how to improve ourselves. Setting goals can be a great way to make changes in your life, but they can also be a source of stress for many people.
If you are always setting goals, you are actually saying, you’re not good enough until the goal is reached. Also, if you frequently quit your goals….. you can start to feel negative about yourself.
So the first question you should be asking is do you want to set a goal this year. Remember the goal doesn’t have to centre around you being a better you. Why not try goals that incorporate your interests such as I will read five books this year, or I will cook a vegetarian meal once a month.
But if you are determined to set a new years goal ; below are some guidelines on setting goals.
Only set one or two goals and make sure that the goals can be measured – Specific goals are more effective. An effective goal clearly indicates what you need to do to accomplish the task. This means that you must be able to measure the performance that relates to the specific goal. For example, I need to spend less time on the social media… should be…I will spend 30 minutes less a day on the computer.
Set realistic goals – Goals should not be so big that you experience failure and frustration in trying to reach them. Once a goal has been chosen, make sure it includes a target date for accomplishing what you set out to achieve.
Goals should not be “set in stone” – Life sometimes gets “in-the-way” of our goal; so your goals may need to be revised in order to achieve them. Don’t feel discouraged if you need to “tweak” your original goal… stay positive.
Many folks use the SMART formula when setting goals: SMART is a mnemonic used by life coaches and motivators for a system of goal identification, setting, and achievement.
S – Specific: A specific goal is simple and easy to describe. Stating that you will start an exercise program is not specific. A specific goal is… I will start a yoga class two nights a week to improve my flexibility.
M – Measurable: You need to be able to tell if you are achieving your goal.
A – Achievable: Don’t schedule your workouts after work, when you know that your job will interfere with your ability to get to the gym. A better goal is to state that you will workout twice a week…. Remember you can always adjust your goals.
R – Be Realistic: If you haven’t been exercising, and you’ve never done any fitness classes before, sign up for a beginner class! Signing up for an intensive workout class will sabotage your goals.
T – Timely: Set a clear time frame to achieve your goal. Always take time to celebrate your achievements. Reward your hard work along the way as you achieve the small goal.
Whatever system you decide to use, remember to stay positive, know that there will be set backs, and surrounding yourself with positive people who will be your cheerleaders. Or, perhaps this will be the year that “you are perfect” just the way you are” and take a year off from goal setting!
Happy New Year!