Small ideas – Big results

Small ideas - Big resultsHere are some “small” ideas that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine to improve your health.

Visualize what healthy means to you ~  Have an image of what healthy looks like for you.

Start a food journal ~ Just being aware of the food, and amount of food you are consuming can help you make better choices on a regular basis.

Drink water ~ Try replacing unhealthy drinks with water. Carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go!

Eat breakfast ~ Even if you’re not hungry, try to eat something. It can be a piece of fruit, an energy bar, bowl of cereal or a bagel.

Stop mindless munching in the late afternoon or evening ~  Think about what you’re eating!

Move your body frequently ~ Simply getting up and moving around regularly throughout your day has been linked to better overall health. Try to be as active as possible and not to sit in one spot for more than an hour. Get up, walk around, stretch, just keep moving.

Go outside ~ Exposure to natural sunlight increases energy, improves mood, and reduces stress . Try spending a portion of your lunch outdoors… even if it is just a walk around the block or a walk to get a coffee.

Take the stairs ~ Always take the stairs. Try parking your car  in the furthest parking spot and walk the extra distance to the store. Many physical inconveniences can be treated as opportunities to improve your health.

Connect with other health seekers ~ Find people with similar interests and attitudes about getting healthy, and encourage each other along the way.

Be Accountable ~ Your health is your responsibility. The choices that you make, large or small, will determine how well you feel and how healthy you are.

Get a massage ~ Massage therapy slows the heart rate, and lowers blood pressure and stress hormones. The decrease in stress hormones increases your body’s natural ability to “fight” off viruses, bacteria, and free radicals.