Side Effects of Diet Soda
If you think that drinking a diet soda is a healthier alternative than a regular soda…. think again. Drinking just 2 glasses of diet soda a day can have negative effects to your health.
Kidney Problems/Damage
There are many studies that show the negative effects of drinking diet sodas.
In an 11-year-long Harvard Medical School study of more than 3,000 women, researchers found that diet soda is associated with a an increased risk for kidney decline.
A 2009 Nurses’ Health Study of 3,256 women found a 30% drop in level of kidney function for participants who drank 2 or more diet sodas a day.
Since kidney decline was not associated with sugar-sweetened sodas, researchers suspect that the diet sweeteners are responsible, and that they may scar kidney tissue over time; but more research still needs to be done.
Messed-Up Metabolism & Weight Gain
The intense flavor, or the “sweet” taste of a diet soda, can dull our taste to naturally sweet foods such as fruit, which then makes these foods less appealing. Artificial sweeteners trigger insulin, the same as real sugar, and sends your body into fat storage mode which can lead to weight gain.
Consuming sugary or sweet tasting diet soda or foods on a regular basis will force you to overeat because your body is being tricked into thinking it’s eating sugar, and you will crave more.
No Nutritional Value
Many people drink diet soda because there are no calories….however, there is also no nutritional value. Try to substitute water, which is essential for maintaining a well run body.
If it’s the sweetness that you craze, try infusing your water with fruit, cucumber and ginger, or try making your favourite tea, and adding a small amount of honey. If it’s the “fizziness” and carbonation that you crave, try sparkling water.
Tooth Enamel Damage
All diet soda’s contain some type of ingredient to promote carbonation. Phosphoric acid and citric acid are found in many diet sodas to preserve carbonation: both of these ingredients weaken and destroys tooth enamel over time.
As with most things in life, moderation is the key. Remember, one of the easiest and least expensive health tools is to simply drink water throughout your day. This will hydrate your body, make your organs work more efficiently and help to regulate your cravings.