Safety Rules for Runners

running-shoes_13602015Most running safety rules are common sense; and by taking a few precautions while out running  you can avoid getting injured or becoming a victim.  Here are a few steps to stay safe on your next run:

Before you start:

Take a moment and give yourself a safety check.  Are your shoes tied? Do you have ID? Are you familiar with the route? During your run, watch out for uneven sidewalk, roots, rocks and branches.  Always avoid running alone in unpopulated or heavily wooded areas and avoid unlit routes. Carry a fully charged cell phone and always call police if you see something or someone suspicious.

Leave word:

Make sure your friends or family know your running routes and inform someone of which route you are running.

Night Running:

Make yourself visible! Wear light or bright colored clothing that are highly visible; think about wearing a reflective vest for your night time or early morning runs.


Many drivers are distracted, so don’t assume that they see you. Be sure to make eye contact with drivers at street crossings, and always be extra careful of stopped cars waiting to make a turn. Stop and wait until they make the turn, or run behind them.  Always run on the side of the road or the sidewalk where you are running facing traffic.


Watch out for cyclists and other runners. If you’re approaching a runner or cyclist, communicate with them and let them know which side you’re passing them on.  Before you stop or turn around on a trail, always look over your should to avoid a potential collision with an oncoming cyclist or passing runner.


Avoid using iPods or wearing headphones—you need to be able to hear approaching vehicles, cyclists and people. If you must use headphones, run with the volume low and with ear-buds, just use one.

What to Carry:

Put your driver’s license in your pocket or wear an ID tag on your shoe and it’s always a good idea to have a small amount of cash on you, in case of emergency.

If a location or person makes you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts, and remove yourself as quickly as possible.