Recreational Activities For 2014

Recreational Activities For 2014Recreational activities such as golf, tennis, fly fishing and bowling have been around for years; so if you’re ready to try something new, check out these trendy recreational activities.

Geochasing & Orienterring

Geochasing is a high-tech treasure hunt: which is a great outdoor recreational activity for all ages. The object of  geochasing is to locate the hidden caches.  A cache always contains a logsheet for you to log your find, and usually a “gift” item. These items turn the adventure into a true treasure hunt! You never know what the previous visitors left in the cache for you to enjoy. The rule is if you take something, leave something of equal or greater value ,and always place your cache item in a clear, zipped plastic bag to protect it from the elements.

The tool for Geochasing is a GPs or global positioning system.

Orienteering is the sport of navigation with map and compass. The object is to run or walk to a series of points shown on the map, choosing routes that will help you find all the points and get back to the finish in the shortest amount of time. The points on the course are marked with flags and punches, so you can prove you’ve been to each marker.   This activity usually takes place on terrain that is heavily wooded, and difficult enough to suit different levels of competition.

The tools of Orienteering are topographical maps, and a compass.

Lawn Bowling

Lawn Bowling is a low impact game that is good for any age and one of the best parts about Lawn bowling is that anyone can play no matter your skill level. It offers mild exercise, a combination of walking in fresh air, with rhythmic arm and body movements.

Lawn bowls is a recreational sport that is played for the challenge and competition, physical activity, the pleasure of spending time outdoors. Lawn Bowling clubs are one of the best places to meet people, enjoy competition, participate in social events and have fun.

The equipment needed to participate is a set of lawn bowls.


Bird watching is an activity that brings nature to life,  and it is something everyone can do. Birding will get you outdoors and connecting with the environment.

Searching for wild birds in their natural habitat, birding takes you through all types of terrain, from city parks, rural area, woodland, seashores, and mountains. Birding gets you walking, hiking, biking, kayaking, and even mountain climbing.

Getting started in birding is as simple as stepping outside. It requires some basic equipment: a pair of binoculars, two or three different field guides, and a small notebook.


Pickleball is North America’s fastest growing sport. It is a fun combination of badminton, table tennis, paddle tennis, and tennis. The game of pickleball is played much like a ping pong game, with a badminton net placed slightly above ground level and is a hybrid between tennis and badminton.

The game involves the strategies of passing the ball, and quick-volley exchanges at the net, which help develop reflex and coordination skills, as well as quickness and agility. Playing pickleball helps to improve muscular strength and endurance, and increases cardiovascular activity.

Why Stay Active

The British medical journal The Lancet published a new series of studies on the health consequences of physical inactivity. The figures are staggering. “They show physical inactivity is responsible for as much as 10% of the “burden of disease” (years of life lost to mortality or disability) from illnesses as diverse as colon cancer, Type 2 diabetes, and coronary heart”.

The rewards of being physically active are endless,  so  whatever your recreational activity of choice is …. just do it!