How to Make Your Own Sunscreen

Make Your Own SunscreenChoosing the right sunscreen can be tricky. Many store-bought feature chemicals as a base, and some sunscreens can even cause contact dermatitis!

Learn more about sunscreen allergies.

If you feel that you are getting nowhere on finding the right sunscreen for you and your family, why not try making your own!  There are dozens of sunscreen recipes that you can find on the internet.

Natural Homemade Sunscreen Ingredients:

  • 1/4 cup oil (coconut, olive or almond)
  • 5 tsp Zinc Oxide (must be pure zinc oxide)
  • 1 Tbsp Beeswax
  • 3 Tbsp natural aloe vera gel (no alcohol or propylene glycol)
  • 1/2 cup distilled water

How To Make Natural Sunscreen:

  1. Heat oil and beeswax on double boiler until just melted, remove from heat
  2. Add zinc oxide powder to a bowl that will not be used for food.
  3. In small pan, heat water and aloe vera until warm.
  4. Add the water/aloe mixture slowly to the zinc oxide while whisking.
  5. Add the oil and beeswax mixture
  6. Add an essential oil (optional) for fragrance   (not citrus oil)
  7. Store in a container with a lid and keep in the fridge

Additional Notes:

  • This sunscreen will need to be reapplied often. (watch closing the first time you use it… I have never been sun burned using this recipe, but remember that everyone is different)
  • DO NOT inhale the Zinc Oxide
  • This recipe has an SPF of about 20: adding more Zinc Oxide will increase the SPF
  • Add more beeswax to make thicker sunscreen, less to make smooth sunscreen- adding 3 to 4 times the amount of beeswax and removing the water will make a “sunscreen bar” that rubs on like stick deodorant

Sunscreen in a minute:

Get a bottle of your favorite lotion that does not contain any citrus oils, and add a couple of tablespoons of Zinc Oxide, shake well and Voila!

5 replies
  1. Tammy
    Tammy says:

    Would this work well as a deodorant. Having trouble with a deodorant that last all day, no matter what I am doing. Also it doesn’t contain baking soda, and or alcohol. Thanks

  2. Carmen Scott
    Carmen Scott says:

    Hi Mary,

    Not sure if that would work…Zinc Oxide, which in its pure form is a white powder, sits on top of your skin. It’s never absorbed, and when it’s sitting on top of your skin it reflects UVB and UVA rays. The aloe gel really is just away to apply the Zinc Oxide. That said, you need to be careful; I would suggest contacting a Naturopath or Health Food Store for more information on this topic.

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