How to Avoid Aches and Pains When Traveling
How to avoid aches and pains when traveling starts with making sure that you plan ahead, make a to-do list and don’t wait till the last minute, this can lead to stress, which will lead to tension in the spine and shoulders, causing back pain and headaches.
When packing:
- Choose luggage that fits you (sturdy case with wheels) and the type of transport you will be using.
- Select luggage that is not too heavy, as you will need to be able to lift it from the airport carousel, cars, buses, or trains
- Place the luggage on a counter or bed, this will save you bending.
- Pack light, and distribute your items between cases.
When Traveling:
- Wear comfortable, supportive shoes for walking.
- When carrying bags, don’t over-fill them, or separate into smaller bags and carry an even weight in each hand. If you have a backpack, even better as it will distribute the weight of your purchases.
- Stop often to rest and exercise the shoulders by rolling them backwards and forwards.
During your travel:
- Try not to sit for too long, and move around whenever you can to stretch your legs, back and shoulders
- Stretches are extremely important and a lack of movement can lead to deep vein thrombosis, swollen legs and sore joints
- Keep hydrated
- Bring a cushion if you will be sleeping and try not to arch your neck to the left or right
When sitting down try these exercise:
- Move your head in a circle, nice and slowly.
- Roll your shoulders, forwards and backwards.
- Stretch out your arms in front of you and circle your wrists gently, left then right.
- Stretch out your legs and circle your ankles gently, left then right.
- Place your hands on your armrests and raise your knees slowly towards your chin.
When you reach your final destination, that’s the perfect time to schedule a massage session to give you maximum mobility for your vacation and avoid the aches and pains from traveling.