How Much Do You Spend on Keeping Physically Active?
Many of us believe that you have to spend a small fortune on gym memberships or personal trainers to be physically fit and active. In fact, you can be active without spending any money.
During the colder months, invite some friends to meet you at a local mall. You can get some exercise and socialize while you are walking, and you can continue your walks out side when the weather becomes warmer.
All activity counts towards being physically fit, so even tasks such as household chores, or gardening will help you shape up.
Don’t forget to check with your healthcare practitioners, many clinics now have Rehab Gyms and as a patient you can use the facility at little or no cost.
Community & Recreation Centres
Many recreation or community centres offer a first class for free, so take advantage of these free demonstration exercise classes. Your local library’s will have exercise DVD`s that you can borrow for free, or download activities such as yoga and stretching exercises. For something with a bit more social and entertainment value, try participating in community-sponsored fun run, or if you need a bit more of a team atmosphere try joining a volleyball or basketball league that plays at your local community center.
Local Parks
Many city parks have free nature walks where you can learn about native trees and plants while exploring a local forest or beach. Another way to keep active is to help your community by participating in a stream clean-up effort.
In Your Neighbourhood
Try bike riding, and if you don’t own a bike, no worries, many communities have bike shops that also have rentals. Or, try playing a game of tennis, and sign up for matches at the community courts in your neighbourhood.
Joining a walking group will keep you motivated, and will allow you to meet new people and get you walking on routes that you might otherwise not try.
Staying connected to you community is a good way to keep fit mentally and physically at little or no cost to yourself; and will keep you moving while having a great time!