How To Enjoy Holidays Goodies, Without The Guilt!
The holiday seasons are full of calorie-laden goodies and drinks, so here are some tips to help you resist those temptations!
Before heading out to a party eat a snack before you go. Eat a handful of nuts, a small piece of fruit or a few slice of cheese and this will help keep your appetite under control and you will be able to make better choices.
It is the holidays, so indulge – moderately! Don’t try to go without your favorite food because that will back fire, and you will end up eating twice as much to satisfy your craving; so eat small portions and eat slowly.
At the party, take a moment before you start to eat, and see what foods are being served. If there is a vegetable or a fruit platter, start with those to take the edge off your appetite.
Avoid the guilty pleasures you can have anytime, such as chocolates or cookies, and go with seasonal favourites such as rum-drenched plum pudding and egg nog. Enjoy, but remember to keep your portions small.
Be the designated driver! Have one alcoholic drink, something you really enjoy and then choose drinks such as sparkling water, a diet soda or juice with soda, which have virtually no calories. Bonus!
Bake holiday cookies and treats in advance, and freeze them so they are not a temptation, and bring them out only when you need them.
Chew a piece of gum- when you chew gum you’re less likely to nibble or “graze”.
After the party, send the leftover treats home with friends, or donate them to your local food bank.
Give guilt a vacation! The last thing anyone needs this time of year is another holiday stress. If you over indulge ( and it’s going to happen) don’t worry! Just start the next day and do your best to keep on track.
Give yourself the the gift of a healthy holiday season; eat smart, stay active, get enough sleep and have some fun!