16 Ways To Increase Activity Into Your Daily Routine

recreational-activities-1Most of us want to increase our activity levels; but we never seem to find the time. “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical fitness is defined as ‘the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and respond to emergencies.”  This requires proper conditioning through both structured exercise and leisurely activities.

Here are a few tips to help you increase your activity levels without really trying.

At Home:

  • Join a walking/ running group
  • Walk the dog or your neighbour’s dog
  • Clean the house
  • Walk more and drive less
  • Do stretches and exercises while watching TV
  • Do yard work
  • Clean your house
  • While waiting for the water to boil, fill your time with angled push-ups on the counter
  • While brushing your teeth, fill your time with squats

At Work:

  • Get off public transit one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way
  • Park your car a few blocks away from the office and walk the rest of the way
  • Replace a coffee break with a quick 10-minute walk
  • Keep a water bottle at your desk and only fill it halfway so that you have to get up for refills throughout the day
  • Switch out your office chair for a stability ball or standing desk
  • Take calls standing up
  • Move around at work – try filing, copying,  or scanning

Every little bit  of activity adds up, and doing something is better than doing nothing.  Many of the activities listed above, involve working a wide range of muscle groups, through walking, bending, lifting and stretching.  You can purchase a fitness monitor: they are a great way to measure the amount of physical activity you are getting each day, and can also serve as a great motivator in your quest to becoming more active.

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