Seasonal Allergies and Acupuncture | acupuncture victoria bc
Seasonal Allergies and Acupuncture | acupuncture victoria bc – written by Victoria Spaurel R.Ac.
Acupuncture is an effective option for allergy symptom control. Although it does not, in my experience, stop symptoms from returning the following year, it does reduce the body’s reactivity, leaving you less dependent on medications, and able to enjoy your spring and summer more.
My treatments allow patients who normally live on anti-histamines all season long the ability to go off them if acupuncture is administered regularly during the season when they are affected. Typically treatments begin with the onset of symptoms and are repeated once per week for 3 weeks, then once every two weeks for the remainder of the season.
Once symptoms are under control patients report improved energy and less reactivity to pollens. In part it is because they no longer require energy sapping anti-histamines to function, but also because their immune system is no longer using up so much energy to react.
An additional benefit to acupuncture for hay fever is that it helps prevent all the secondary infections allergy sufferers are prone to – such as colds, conjunctivitis, or chronic sinusitis.
With the allergy season getting started, consider acupuncture. It is a safe, natural and drug-free method of effectively addressing seasonal allergy symptoms.
– Victoria Spaurel is a registered Acupuncturist having graduated from the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Victoria BC in 2005. At Diversified Health, Victoria has had tremendous success assisting patients to reach their health goals. She uses a narrative approach to patient interviews, which helps build trust and enriches her understanding of the concerns at hand. Treatments are always designed and paced to suit her patients.