Purchasing Vitamins On-Line

Purchasing Vitamins On-LineWhen you make a purchase on-line, you save time and money; but is purchasing vitamins the same as purchasing items like books or clothing.

Here’s what you need to know to when shopping on line for vitamins.

Always make sure the on-line store you will be shopping from uses SSL (secure sockets layer) which means that they encrypt sensitive information. Look for the locked padlock icon at the bottom of your browser window.

When shopping on line a little research goes along way. Learn about the merchants and look for reviews from other shoppers.  Ask if they have a representative that you can discuss issues such as the quantity and quality of ingredients, what type of “fillers” are being used, and what the correct dosage is.

Before you make any purchase ask questions: What is the return policy? How do they ship the item? How do they keep the temperature stable? Think of the questions that you would ask any sales associate when shopping at your favourite health food store.

When your item arrives, keep all the documentation and the original packaging. Make sure you check the expiration date, and that the seal is secure.  If you are not satisfied with your purchase, many companies require that the item is shipped back in the original packaging.

If you find a website that seems too good to be true, offering extremely low prices or large quantities …STOP… these are red flags that you need to investigate this company further. There are numerous rogue websites selling counterfeit over-the-counter and prescription drugs that look like regular store websites.

Make sure that you know what dosage is save for your health concerns, especially if you are already taking additional supplements or medicine!  For example:

~Too much calcium. High levels of calcium in the blood can cause inflammation of the blood vessels

~Too much copper – Can have a pro-oxidant effect, damaging your tissues and cells.

~ High levels of manganese – Many formulas contain too much manganese, which can cause insomnia.

Before taking any new supplement, contact your health care practitioner to discuss the effects and benefits of your new regime.