Is your desk slowly killing you? (Infographic)
It’s no secret that the nature of work has changed over the past fifty years. Most of us no longer rely on brawn to bring home the bacon, but instead rely on brains to navigate the knowledge economy.
But could this change in work habits slowly be killing us?
Click through the infographic below to find out more.
The team at Diversified Health Clinic has collected a few statistics that demonstrate what many of us have started noticing more and more: not only we getting fatter as a result of work, our our sedentary desk jobs are starting to take a sinister toll on our health. Never to fear – there are some solutions, from simply eating less and exercising more, to changing the way you work.
Have an idea on how to fight off your deathly desk? Let us know!
Many doctors in Victoria BC promote regular exercise and a change in diet as a treatment for metabolic syndrome.