Victoria clinic has the answer to Sciatica Pain

Sciatica is a pain that shoots along the sciatic nerve, radiating through the buttocks and down the back of the leg and a Victoria clinic has the answer to Sciatica Pain. Sciatica is caused by different types of pressure on the sciatic nerve in the lower back or buttocks. It can also be the result of damage to the nerve roots that feed into the sciatic nerve.

Victoria clinic has the answer to Sciatica Pain

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This may be the result of something as simple as bad posture, muscle strain or spasm, being overweight, or sleeping on a mattress that is too soft. More seriously, it can result from pressure exerted on the sciatic nerve or its nerve roots by a slipped disc in the back.

Pain from sciatica can change: it can be shooting or burning, sharp or dull, non-stop, or intermittent. Pain is usually only felt on one side of the body. Some people complain of intense and acute pain. Others experience a numb and weak feeling in the parts of their leg where it hurts. This may sometimes indicate more serious neurological problems. Sneezing, coughing, straining, bending, or lifting can make it worse.

Your chiropractor will check the spine for areas of tenderness, and test for sensation, coordination,  and muscle strength. Sciatica can be relieved by treating symptoms and any specific cause that exists, such as a slipped disc.  At Diversified Health Clinic,  the Kennedy Spinal Decompression table is the first choice in treating Sciatica pain.  Spinal Decompression provides relief to severe back and neck pain sufferers by gently reducing the pressure within spinal discs.

Moderate exercise will be recommended if pain is minimal, and when acute symptoms have lessened, rehab therapy  will be suggested to help strengthen abdominal and back muscles, which is important to prevent a return of  these symptoms. There are other things you can do in your day to day life to help your recovery; such as  sleeping on a firm mattress on your side or back with knees bent, and never sleep on your stomach.  Also sit in chairs that have firm back support and sit up straight against the back of the chair and adjust the height of chairs so your feet are flat on the floor and the knees are a little higher than the hips.

A Victoria clinic has the answer to Sciatica Pain; please call Dr. Krisjan Gustavson at Diversified Health Clinic for more information on Sciatica Pain.