Thumb Pain & Text Message Injuries on the Rise
Thumb pain & text message injuries are increasing, so if you have experienced numb fingers and aching wrists, there is a good chance that you suffer from repetitive strain injury. Over 38% of the general population suffer from sore wrists and thumbs from texting.
Symptoms include hand, wrist or finger pain and immobility in the joints, nerves and muscles from the fingers to the neck. These are caused by repetitive movements and fatigue resulting from unnatural stresses and strains on the body. These are signals to stop texting or using your mobile device.

Text Message Injuries
What can you do to avoid repetitive strain injury from sending too many text messages.
• If texting starts to hurt. Stop. Use the other hand or call instead
• Vary the hand you use
• Vary the digits you use
• Don’t text for more than a few minutes without a break
Besides specific exercises, there are treatment options for repetitive strain injuries such as, Shockwave Therapy, Laser Therapy & eToims. Consult with your health care practitioner to find out which treatment option would be best for you.
Below are some exercise that can help with your texting hand:
• Tap each finger with the thumb of the same hand. Repeat x 3
• Pull your thumb firmly with the other hand. Repeat x 3
• Wrap an elastic band around the tips of fingers and thumb and open your hand against the resistance. Repeat x 5
• Palms down wrap an elastic band around each thumb and force apart. Repeat x 5
• Tap the palm and back of your hand on your thigh as quickly as you can. Repeat x 5
• Massage thumb web, back of forearm and front of forearm. 2 minutes.
• Press and rub in a circular motion the painful nodules in those muscles. 30 seconds for each nodule.
If you are still having issues with thumb pain & text message injuries, stop texting completely and make an appointment with a physiotherapist or a health care practitioner.
This really helps!