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Choosing your New Year’s Health Resolutions

Choosing your New Year’s Health ResolutionThis is that time of year when, individuals make various resolutions with the objective of getting rid of a bad habit and replacing it with good/healthy habit.  However, it is also a fact that most of the time people are not able to follow through on their resolutions.

The main problem is in the practical implementation of the resolutions.  People generally are eager to make resolutions but as soon as the time comes to get started, they begin to think of justifications why they should not continue and ultimately give up and in some cases before they have even started.  (You know who you are!)

Remember that it will be easier to incorporate and keep a small change rather than 1 huge generic goal such as “I want to lose weight”.

Listed below are 9 tips to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle.  Pick one tip and work on that one for 6 weeks.  Every 6 weeks add another tip to your daily routine and work on that for 6 weeks… before the end of 2016 you will have incorporated all 9 tips and will be living a healthier lifestyle.

Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

A serving size is: half cup of cooked vegetables, one cup of raw leafy vegetables or one small whole fruit.

Increase your fluids and decrease your coffee intake. 

Aim for 6 to 8 glasses of fluids per day. Have plain or lemon water, unsweetened juice, skim milk, or herbal tea, and keep the coffee to 1 or 2 cups a day.

Exercise on a regular basis.

An ideal combination includes aerobic exercise, weight-training, yoga, stretching, and recreational activities, such as dancing and swimming. Get exercise during your regular daily activities by walking at lunch and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Reduce the “bad” fats.

Reduce the amount of saturated fats and trans fatty acids in your diet. Saturated fats are found in animal products such as meat and processed foods. Processed foods contain trans fatty acids and partially hydrogenated oils. So limit your processed foods and cook with olive and canola oils.

Chew your food!

Many digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and stomach discomfort can be alleviated by taking the time to carefully chew food.

Limit your intake of sugar.

Sugar increases triglycerides, cholesterol, and insulin, and can impair the immune system. Check food labels and look for hidden sugars (corn syrup, sucrose, glucose, and lactose).

Make relaxation a regular part of your life

Chronic stress can lead the way to a weak immune system, high blood pressure, and many other conditions. Proper breathing and meditation are effective ways of coping with stress.

 Make sleep a priority.

Restful sleep is essential for a fully functioning mind and body. This means avoiding caffeine and alcohol, which can disrupt sleep. In addition, sugary snacks before bed can affect blood sugar levels and disturb sleep.

Develop and nurture your support network.

Maintain meaningful and fulfilling relationships with family and friends. These relationships nourish our heart, body, and soul.

Remember it’s never too late to start again.  It’s your life, take charge and decide who you want to be.

2 replies
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