Arthritis and Chiropractic Treatments
The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease, which in most cases is the result of repetitive trauma of the joints, and can affect many different parts of the body.
Chiropractic treatments can result in the diminishing of pain by improving ease of movement and decreased fluid build up in the joints that often occurs with arthritic conditions. Chiropractic treatments can also include specialized modalities that help with pain, inflammation and mobility.
Modalities that help with osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease:
Ultrasound therapy – when applied to soft tissues and joints, sound waves can produce a massaging effect that helps reduce swelling and decrease pain and stiffness.
Neuromechanical therapy – this therapy applies gentle pressure to a specific area of muscle where a patient experiences pain to alleviate that pain and improved mobility.
Class IV K – Laser therapy – this technique uses a non-heat producing laser or light that penetrates deep into the tissue, reducing inflammation, improving circulation, reducing swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness and pain.
eTomis – the eToims devise sends very brief but strong electrical pulses to the areas of irritated nerves, to relaxes nerve fibers, thus relieving muscle pain and restoring function, mobility and quality of life.
Graston Technique – is an instrument-assisted, soft tissue mobilization therapy that safely removes scar tissues and scar tissue adhesions that have occurred as a result of chronic inflammation, injuries, repetitive motion or from old injuries.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) – TENs therapy helps to stimulate pain-inhibiting chemicals in the human body known as endorphins, and block the nerve fibers that are responsible for pain.
Home therapeutic exercises and stretches – These activities are to be completed at home to promote strength and endurance.
Nutrition and supplement – providing diet, nutritional advice and supplements to address inflammation.
Chiropractic treatments can help those who are suffering from arthritis, by reducing pain, stiffness, and restoring the range of motion to joints, improving flexibility and increasing muscle tone and strength.