
Hamstring Stretches Help with Low Back Pain | physiotherapy victoria bc

Hamstring Stretches Help with Low Back Pain | physiotherapy victoria bc: One of the most important stretches someone with low…

Natural Health Practitioner take a Close Look at Foot Problems

Your feet are extremely complex structures composed of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves, blood vessels, and skin. They may…

Jumpers Knee Treatment

Jumpers knee treatment is just one of many knee injury treatments offered at Diversified Health. Anyone can be a victim…

Physiotherapy can help to improve balance and prevent falls | physiotherapy victoria bc

Yes, Physiotherapy can help to improve balance and prevent falls. It’s the time of the year in Victoria that brings…

Boot-Camp Workout for Women you can do at Home | rehab victoria bc

Finally a Boot-Camp workout for women you can do at home! Start by jogging for two to three minutes to…

Natural Health Practitioner Recommends Superfoods that Detoxify

The beginning of the new year is when many of us will start a detox program; but if doing a…

To B or Not to B, that is the Supplement

These days, we simply can't eat enough food to obtain all of the proper nutrition we need due to the…

Victoria Clinic Encourages Exercise to De-Stress

During the busy spring season, keeping up with a fitness program can be a challenge. One of the best ways…

What does a Stress Fracture Treatment Plan include?

Let's start by explaining what a stress fracture is. A stress fracture is a tiny crack in a bone that…

Back Exercise for Pain Relief | Chiropractor Victoria BC

One of the keys to recovering from an episode of back pain and to help avoid future recurrences of back…