frecklesHere are the facts about the ABCDEs of Melanoma.  Part of good sun prevention and protection is checking your body for changes in moles at least once a year. Moles, brown spots and growths on the skin are usually harmless – but not always.

Anyone who has more than 100 moles is at greater risk for melanoma. That’s why it’s so important to get to know your skin, so that you can recognize any changes in the moles on your body.

Look for the ABCDEs of melanoma, and if you see one or more, make an appointment with a physician immediately.

Asymmetry                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             If you draw a line through this mole, the two halves will not match.

Border                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The borders of an early melanoma tend to be uneven. The edges may be scalloped or notched.

Color                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Having a variety of colors is another warning signal. A number of different shades of brown, tan or black could appear. A melanoma may also become red, blue or some other color.

Diameter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Melanomas usually are larger in diameter than the size of the eraser on your pencil (1/4 inch or 6 mm), but they may sometimes be smaller when first detected.

Evolving                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Any change – in size, shape, color, elevation, or another trait, or any new symptom such as bleeding, itching or crusting – points to danger.

Many sunscreens only protect against UVB rays, but to be protected against both UVA and UVB rays, look for a ‘broad spectrum’ sunscreen or products that contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

Aside from skin cancer, the sun’s UV rays also cause:

  • Premature aging: Signs of premature aging include wrinkles, mottled skin, and loss of skin’s firmness.
  • Immunosuppression: Weakening of the body’s ability to protect itself from cancer and other diseases.
  • Cataracts / macular degeneration: Macular degeneration, for which there is no cure, is the leading cause of blindness in people aged 65 and older.

Remember to check your birthday suit on your birthday for moles, brown spots and growths!  Skin cancer is very treatable when caught early.

Sugar...It's in Everything!According to Statistics Canada, the average Canadian consumes 26 teaspoons of sugar per day. That works out to 40 kilograms per year, or 20 bags.

Health Canada does not have a recommended limit for how much sugar Canadians should consume in a day. That gives the food industry license to put any amount into any food they want, and with no daily recommended intake, it makes it hard to know if you’ve reached your limit.

Processed sugar contains no vitamins, minerals, or fibres, and raises your blood sugar levels.  Sugar will also disrupt your hormones and promotes free radicals, which can lead to cell damage and contribute to chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  Sugar actually speeds up the aging process!

Sugar hides in most processed foods. Of the estimated 600,000 commercial food products, about 80% contain added sugar, so cooking from scratch  is the first step towards eliminating sugar in your diet.

The next step is to understand how to read the nutritional labels found on food products.  Consider all carbohydrates and sugar as the same thing.  All carbohydrates metabolize as blood glucose; whether is’ “good” carbohydrates, from whole grains, or “bad” carbohydrates from white rice.

Remember the golden rule: 4 grams of carbohydrates OR 4 grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon of sugar.  Using this equation (divide the grams by four) you can easily look at the grams per serving for any food product for carbohydrates/sugar and convert this to a measurement of teaspoons.   This simply conversion will help you visualize how many teaspoons of sugar are actually being consumed and help you make healthier choices.

Even small changes can make the difference. Try offering plain yogurt with real fruit mixed in, and not the standard flavored yogurt which is extremely high in sugar.  You can also take any cookie/cake recipe, and reduce the amount of sugar by one third without affecting the taste or texture.  Try substituting apple sauce or honey for sugar in most recipes for a healthier choice.

Here is an example of some hidden sugar:  A homemade chicken sandwich with a glass of milk.

2 slices of 100% whole wheat bread = 6.8 tsp

2 tbsp Miracle whip = .5tsp

Lettuce = zero

Chicken breast = zero

1 cup of 3.25% Milk = 5.2 tsp

Total:  12.5 tsp of sugar

 A homemade chicken sandwich with a glass of milk is still a healthy lunch….. but definitely food for thought.

SO-000-groupAir fresheners deliver a fine mist of “aroma compounds” that remain suspended in the air for an extended period of time, and are sold in many different forms; aerosols, candles, reed diffusers, potpourri, and heat release products (aka Plug-ins).

Air fresheners with synthetic fragrances do not “clean” the air, they work by interfering with your ability to smell, and simply mask the odours. Air fresheners drown out the smell by releasing chemical such as methoxychlor which coat the nasal passages with a film of oil, which interferes with your olfactory nerves. Read more…

Many air fresheners contain hazardous chemicals that don’t show up on the label.  Most mass produced “chemical” air fresheners list one or two ingredients on their products, however, these products can contain upwards of 300 different chemicals and allergens, including  benzene, formaldehyde, styrene, and phthalates. Read more… 

Due to loopholes in the chemical perfume industry, companies are not required to list the ingredients of anything labeled as a “fragrance,” and that’s why most commercial air fresheners have no ingredients listed on their product.

A recent MSN article stated “that being exposed to air freshener chemicals as little as once a week can increase your odds of developing asthma symptoms as much as 71 percent and can contribute to an increased risk of a number of pulmonary diseases”.

A recent study conducted by the Natural Resources Defense Council, found dangerous chemicals known as phthalates in several air freshener products. When an air freshener is sprayed, the phthalates are released into the air where they can be inhaled/absorbed through the skin.  Read more…

If you like air fresheners….. do your homework… there are alternative organic, healthy products.  One Local Company, Synergy Organics is making a difference with a natural product line, that really works!

All of the essential oils in their products are NOP Certified. The National Organic Program develops, implements, and administers national production, handling, and labeling standards for organic agricultural products.  All active ingredients have a Certificate of Analysis, an FDA approved analysis to certify quality and purity, and an MSDS Safety Sheet.

It all starts with essential oils derived from natural sources. Essential oils have been used for centuries; they have antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, deodorizing, and antiseptic properties.

So the next time you purchase an air freshener…..make sure you know what’s in it!

recreational-activities-1Making a decision to begin exercising is the easy part, committing to your program is the hard part; so remember to ask your healthcare practitioner before starting an exercising program.

Often, the biggest challenge is changing your lifestyle. All of us have created bad habits over the years and changing these requires a committed effort to consciously recognize and alter these unhealthy patterns. It takes time to develop new habits, so staying positive and having a forgiving attitude is essential.

Begin by checking with your health care practitioner to ensure that you can safely exercise without restrictions. Then surround yourself with supportive  healthy minded people; having a support system you can rely on is crucial when starting a workout program.  Accountability and motivation are very important to your success, so ask people you know how they’ve set up their active lifestyle.   Remember that your goals need to be realistic and measurable in a way that you will see your progress and keep motivated.

Think about hiring a qualified personal trainer for one or two sessions to learn what to do to reach your fitness goals. Find some activity that works for you whether it’s biking to work, walking, or joining a sports league.  There are so many options and opportunities to be active – we just have to recognize them.

A great way to get active is to join a local charity event such as a fun run or sponsored golf event.  Not only will you be helping people in your community, you will be getting out, getting active, having fun and meeting like minded folks…and who knows, it might even lead to you joining a team or group!

When you make physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle a priority, you will find more energy and enthusiasm for the other areas of your life.

So ask your health practitioner when starting a new exercise program, and keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way to stay active, just get moving!

Hydo Massage TherapyHydro massage is a type of massage based on the therapeutic use of warm water. Hydro massage helps to relax muscles, increase blood circulation, and relieve muscular pain and tension.

Hydro massage therapy helps to alleviate muscle and soft tissue injuries caused by low back pain, arthritis, chronic and acute pain, neck injuries, TMJ, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, and pregnancy discomfort. This therapy gives you the relaxing benefits of a massage without the drawbacks or inconveniences of getting undressed or having oils placed on your skin.

Hydro massage therapy is an unattended water massage system.  A powerful wave of water spans the full width of the client’s body providing a powerful, heated massage.  Users enjoy total relaxation while remaining comfortable and fully clothed. The water temperature is approximately 34C.

Hydro massage therapy reduces anxiety levels, helps with sport or work related injuries, tension headaches and post-operative rehabilitation.

In one 15 minute session, you receive the following benefits:

Physically relaxes the body
Calms the nervous system
Lowers blood pressure
Reduces heart rate
Loosens tight muscles
Stretches connective tissues
Reduces chronic pain
Increases blood and lymph circulation
Speeds the removal of metabolic waste
Increases red blood cell counts
Relieves tired and aching muscles
Stimulates the release of endorphins
Relieves cramps and muscle spasms
Increase flexibility and range of motion
Strengthens the immune system
Reduces swelling
Reduces tension headaches
Increases tissue metabolism
Reduces mental stress/anxiety

Hydro massage therapy improves circulation, provides temporary relief of minor aches and pains, and provides healing benefits for chronic pain caused by conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Hydro Massage therapy is also a great way to assists in warming up muscles before a treatment.

Please contact our clinic to find out ore about Hydro Massage Therapy.

Plantar FasciitisPlantar fasciitis is a painful condition caused by overuse of the arch tendon (plantar fascia) of the foot; and if you’ve ever suffered from Plantar Fasciitis, you know that this can be one of the most irritating and hard to treat injuries there is.

The most common cause of plantar fasciitis is an overly tight calf muscle which leads to persistent pronation of the foot, which produces over-stretching of the arch tendon, and can lead to inflammation and thickening of the tendon.

The Plantar Fascia is a band of tissue that runs from your heel down through most of the length of your foot. It could be considered to be a “shock absorber” for your arch. This tissue is also known as the arch tendon. When this tissue becomes inflamed, the result is Plantar Fasciitis, a condition that can result in moderate to severe pain in your heel and foot.

Plantar Fasciitis, over time, can also cause a heel spur. If untreated, the condition can become degenerative, causing further pain, symptoms and long-term treatment challenges.

Not surprisingly,  runners, golfers and tennis players who spend long hours on their feet are some of the most common victims of Plantar Fasciitis.  Additionally, those over 40 are more susceptible, as is anyone who is predisposed to the condition. People with tight calves are thought to be more likely to develop the condition, as is anyone who spends time on their feet without proper footwear.

Temporary relief from Plantar Fasciitis can often be found through stretching localized massage, or anti-inflammatory medications. This relief is typically short-lived, however, as the condition will usually persist until it is properly treated and the underlying cause is identified and addressed.

Permanent relief from Plantar Fasciitis will usually come from a combination of the following approaches:

– Improved footwear for the activity you’re engaging in

– Orthotics

– Weight loss

–  Specific Stretching for the foot and calf muscles

– Physiotherapy

– Massage

– Laser Therapy to treat the inflamed area

– Kineso-tape to support the arch tendon

– Shockwave Therapy to treat the inflamed area

You should seek treatment if there is pain when pressing on the inside of the heel or if the pain is worse first thing in the morning.  If left unattended the condition can become more severe, with the pain worsening throughout the day.

sh_destress_photoHere’s our top ten list to help you simplify & de-stress your life!

1.  Create a “public” calendar. Whether you have a large family or there is just two of you, using a public calendar will let you take a “big-picture” look at a glance.  You will be kept in the loop on items such as, when the strata meeting is, or when to schedule a dental appointment. Being able to visually see what everybody is doing will reduce the chance of frustration or surprise.

2.  Run all the errands during your work week, and don’t save them for your days off. Take back your days off by scheduling your to-do list during the week; before or after work, or during lunch breaks.

3.  Say ‘yes’ less often. Over extending yourself complicates your life, and learning to say no when you don’t want to do something is one of the quickest ways to leading an uncluttered life.

4.  Delete social networking accounts you don’t use, and spend less time online.

5.  Automate your finances by signing up for automatic bill pay and take advantage of technology. Apps and online calendars can help you plan and track your schedule, birthdays, errands, and monthly payments, which will simplify your life and reduce your stress.

6.  Learn to ask for help!  Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.  You can hire someone, ask a friend or delegate it to a family member. You don’t have to do it all by yourself.

7.  Learn to spend more time with people you like/love:  Eliminate the “Debbie Downers” and the toxic relationships that aren’t working for you.

8.  Get more sleep!

9.  Eat more fruits, veggies, and whole foods.

10.  Start waking up a few minutes earlier and plan your day by visualizing your schedule for that day. Getting up 15 – 20 minutes earlier  will allow you to enjoy a cup of coffee, and take a few minutes to yourself.  This routine will get you mentally set for the busy day ahead.

When your body is healthy and strong,  you are able to handle the daily stress in your life.  Another action plan to help you maintain your immune system, is to incorporate sessions of acupuncture and massage throughout the year.

Walk, Jog or Run?Whether you walk, jog, or run isn’t as important, as getting enough consistent exercise. Factors like your age, weight, fitness level, distance and how long you exercise will determine the health benefits you gain from your workout.

Running is especially good for cardio-respiratory fitness. Running can be hard on the joints over time, so always try to run on grass, or dirt rather than on hard unforgiving surfaces like asphalt and concrete. Keep in mind that during a runners life time over 60% will experience an injury serious enough to keep them from being active and requiring medical attention. The impact of running on your joints can be more than three times your body weight; every step is triple the impact of walking, so find your fitness level, then build up slowly.

Jogging has the same aerobic benefits as running: it conditions the heart, improves muscle tone and strength, relieves stress, and  improves cardiovascular fitness.  Jogging is a great way to tighten the thighs and calves because it is a weight-bearing activity.

Walking is a low-impact activity because one foot is always in contact with the ground.  Walking at least 30 minutes a day is considered a good form of exercise. There are also less likely to be injuries when walking. However, some impact can actually be a good thing. Both  jogging and running are weight-bearing activities, which enhance bone density and helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

The average person walks 115,000 miles in a lifetime which is more than four trips around the earth.

Walking benefits almost everybody, regardless of age so walking is a good place to start.

The Canadian Pediatric Medical Association recommends walking for the following benefits:

  • Strengthens your heart and lungs
  • Reduces obesity and high blood pressure
  • Boosts your metabolic rate and lowers your cholesterol
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Reduces stress and tension
  • Improves circulation

To maximize your health benefit when you walk, jog or run consider these tips:

  • Move at a steady pace and briskly enough to make your heart beat faster.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Walk with your head up, back straight, abdomen flat.
  • Swing your arms and keep them relaxed
  • Use proper foot motion: land on the heel of your foot and roll forward to push off on the ball of your foot.

Whether it’s walking, jogging or running, staying active will help to control your weight, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and improve your mental health. Whether you are a walker or runner, you’ll get the most benefit if you aim for thirty to sixty minutes a day.

Recreational Activities For 2014Recreational activities such as golf, tennis, fly fishing and bowling have been around for years; so if you’re ready to try something new, check out these trendy recreational activities.

Geochasing & Orienterring

Geochasing is a high-tech treasure hunt: which is a great outdoor recreational activity for all ages. The object of  geochasing is to locate the hidden caches.  A cache always contains a logsheet for you to log your find, and usually a “gift” item. These items turn the adventure into a true treasure hunt! You never know what the previous visitors left in the cache for you to enjoy. The rule is if you take something, leave something of equal or greater value ,and always place your cache item in a clear, zipped plastic bag to protect it from the elements.

The tool for Geochasing is a GPs or global positioning system.

Orienteering is the sport of navigation with map and compass. The object is to run or walk to a series of points shown on the map, choosing routes that will help you find all the points and get back to the finish in the shortest amount of time. The points on the course are marked with flags and punches, so you can prove you’ve been to each marker.   This activity usually takes place on terrain that is heavily wooded, and difficult enough to suit different levels of competition.

The tools of Orienteering are topographical maps, and a compass.

Lawn Bowling

Lawn Bowling is a low impact game that is good for any age and one of the best parts about Lawn bowling is that anyone can play no matter your skill level. It offers mild exercise, a combination of walking in fresh air, with rhythmic arm and body movements.

Lawn bowls is a recreational sport that is played for the challenge and competition, physical activity, the pleasure of spending time outdoors. Lawn Bowling clubs are one of the best places to meet people, enjoy competition, participate in social events and have fun.

The equipment needed to participate is a set of lawn bowls.


Bird watching is an activity that brings nature to life,  and it is something everyone can do. Birding will get you outdoors and connecting with the environment.

Searching for wild birds in their natural habitat, birding takes you through all types of terrain, from city parks, rural area, woodland, seashores, and mountains. Birding gets you walking, hiking, biking, kayaking, and even mountain climbing.

Getting started in birding is as simple as stepping outside. It requires some basic equipment: a pair of binoculars, two or three different field guides, and a small notebook.


Pickleball is North America’s fastest growing sport. It is a fun combination of badminton, table tennis, paddle tennis, and tennis. The game of pickleball is played much like a ping pong game, with a badminton net placed slightly above ground level and is a hybrid between tennis and badminton.

The game involves the strategies of passing the ball, and quick-volley exchanges at the net, which help develop reflex and coordination skills, as well as quickness and agility. Playing pickleball helps to improve muscular strength and endurance, and increases cardiovascular activity.

Why Stay Active

The British medical journal The Lancet published a new series of studies on the health consequences of physical inactivity. The figures are staggering. “They show physical inactivity is responsible for as much as 10% of the “burden of disease” (years of life lost to mortality or disability) from illnesses as diverse as colon cancer, Type 2 diabetes, and coronary heart”.

The rewards of being physically active are endless,  so  whatever your recreational activity of choice is …. just do it!

 The Truth About RelaxingWhen you are under stress, your body reacts as if it is under attack. This is called the fight-or-flight response.  Relaxing your body depends on you eliminating the tension in your muscles.  Stress affects all aspects of your life, including your emotions, sleep routines, relationships and if left unchecked  can lead to serious health issues.

Below are some relaxation tips that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine and especially for those times that you start to feel anxious, and tense.

  • Breathing exercises are one way to relax.   Take a deep breathe in, hold for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly.  Repeat  7 – 10 times.
  • Take a time out and listen to your favourite music for a few minutes
  • Try aromatherapy: place a drop of lavender, or other essential oil onto your wrists or hands. The scent can trigger smell receptors in the nose that connect to the part of the brain that regulates emotions.
  •  Distract yourself from the issue at hand.  Pick up a crossword puzzle or a game of Sudoku. Brain games that require concentration can help take your mind off the stressful situation.

Try to incorporate these tips for relaxing when you have more time available.

  • Take a hot shower
  • Go for a walk with your pet
  • Spend a few minutes meditating or try imagining yourself  in your “Happy Place”.  That could be a childhood memory, a  favorite vacation spot or an imaginary place.  The idea is to get you to stop thinking about what caused  your stress.
  • Keep a journal
  • Yoga!!!   When you become stressed, your body releases hormones that speed up your heart rate and make your muscles tense.


  • gives the heart a rest by slowing the heart rate
  • reduces blood pressure & increases blood flow
  • decreases muscle tension

As you become more relaxed, you will:

  •  sleep better and have more energy
  • have less headaches
  • increase your concentration
  • increase your ability to handle frustration and stressful situations

A variety of different relaxation techniques can help you bring your nervous system back into balance.  There is no single relaxation technique that is best for everyone.   The right relaxation plan is the one that fits your lifestyle,  is easy to incorporate into your daily routine and helps you to relax!