figurelabelAs we all strive to eat better, one of the best tools we have is to read food labels… or is it?  Below is a collection of the most common “health” terms and what they really mean.

Zero Trans Fats: Zero doesn’t mean zero; there’s a clause that allows food companies to add in up to 0.5 grams of trans fat, and still market it as zero trans fats. So read that nutrition label and make sure that zero really is listed in the trans-fat line, and watch out for red flag words like “hydrogenated” in ingredient lists.

Sugar-Free: Many products claiming they’re sugar-free or “no sugar added” are generally loaded with artificial sweeteners. Choose natural sugar or sweeteners like honey, and maple syrup.

Hormone-Free: The term ‘hormone-free’  as a label is a bit of a grey area as technically there is no such thing as hormone-free milk or meat, as all animals are born with hormones. What’s more useful is when a label directly says that the product is “artificial hormone-free”.

Organic: The term organic refers to an ecological method of agricultural production that respects the natural environment. Organics focuses on enhancing the health and vitality of the soil, preserving biodiversity, promoting animal welfare and preserving the ecological integrity of our environment. No synthetic fertilizers, synthetic pesticides or genetically modified organisms are permitted in organics. Organic foodstuffs along with livestock feed are inter-provincially regulated in Canada under the Canadian Organic Regulation and must meet all requirements as set out in the Canadian Organic Standard.

Organic Certification: This is the consumer’s guarantee that all food products that use the term organic, actually are. In order to be certified organic all producers and processors must meet all requirements as set out in the Canadian Organic Standard, must apply to a CFIA Accredited Certification Body, and be able to show complete traceability of their products and be inspected by an independent third party. Once a farmer or business is certified it can use the term organic and the Canadian Organic Logo.

Canadian Organic Regulation: The regulation is legislation that has been passed by the government of Canada which states that in order for a food product to be deemed organic, it must meet the requirements as set out in the Canadian Organic Standard and the Permitted Substances List.

Canadian Organic Standard: This standard contains a set of criteria for all methods and practices for producing and handling crops, livestock and processed products.

Requirements for a 100% Organic Label: The product must contain 100%  certified organic ingredients, with zero non-organic ingredients , including any processing aids used during product production.

Requirements for an Organic Label:The product must contain at least 95% organic ingredients, with the ingredient exception – any agricultural ingredients in the product must be organic unless not available.

Made with Organic Ingredients :The product must contain at least 70% organic ingredients, with the remaining 30% of ingredients being non-organic.

Products With Less Than 70% Organic Ingredients: Food products than contain less than 70% organic ingredients do not qualify for any organic label and have zero restrictions on other ingredients. The product cannot bear any sort of organic claim on the packaging.  *Exception – any product can state organic ingredients in their ingredient statement.

Unregulated Food Labels

Free-Range: This generally means the animals are uncaged, typically with access to the outdoors, although the time period spent outside can vary widely. Free-Run is another term for cageless housing but does not necessarily mean the animals are housed outside.

Grain-Fed: Grain-fed means that animals are fed grain which is the conventional standard in animal production and allows animals to gain weight faster than if they were fed grass.

Grass-Fed: Refers to livestock that have been raised on pasture and not confined to a feedlot or grain-fed system.

Grass-Finished: This means that animals are not only raised on grass but spend their final weight-gain stage on grass. This means that no grain was fed to the animal at any stage in their life.

Local: This term refers to purchasing products that have been grown or processed within one’s geographic region (e.g. a province, or a predetermined distance).  Local products are not necessarily grown or raised in an organic or ecological production system as the term only refers to the proximity from production to the sale.

All Natural: The term “natural or all natural”   is supposed to mean that the product does not contain added color, artificial flavors or synthetic substances, but as this term is not regulated you can find these words on foods and drinks that are loaded with artificial colors, flavors,and preservatives. A quick read of the ingredient list will tell you if the item is all natural.

Remember that labels are loose and can be relatively meaningless; so make sure you always read the ingredient list to make sure what you are buying, is exactly what you want.

senior cyclistOne of the fastest growing fads for a vacation getaway is the fitness vacation. With names like the “7 day Metabolism Re-Set”  or the “14 day Lifestyle Re-Programmer” these programs are designed for you to break a sweat, and get in shape using nature and the local terrain as your gym.

The idea of a work out vacation may seem “crazy” — vacations are for R & R right!!? But, destination-fitness boot camps are a great way renew yourself, get fit and and provide long term health benefits that you can incorporate into your daily life.

The fitness routines are diverse and feature unique activities and innovative exercises. Every day is structured to include well-balanced meals, cardio, strength training sessions, and lifestyle workshops.

When you arrive, you will be given a health assessment to find out what level your fitness is at. There will be all types of folks registered; some may be over weight and looking to lose a few pounds, others my want to simply tone up, while others are looking for a life changing moment. The trainers will modify exercises if needed to ensure that you achieve what you came there to do.

The exercise programs consists of walking, aerobics, spinning or cycling, aqua aerobics, interval classes, weight training, mountain biking, Pilates, yoga, body toning, and stretching.  The days will also includes meditation, yoga or stretching, as well as educational workshops.

A typical day consists of a nutritious breakfast high in protein, then a 3 to 5-mile hike or 20-mile bike ride; a  quick break for lunch and then onto activities such as weights and strength classes, spinning, aerobics, aqua aerobics, and Pilates. Another quick break and then straight on to the evening meal, followed by activities such yoga, meditation or special workshops on nutrition, health and fitness.  The workshops will give you the latest information on how to develop and keep a healthy lifestyle.

Fitness vacations will help increase your balance, flexibility, and aerobic endurance and get your fitness goals back on track. The exercise program consists of walking, aerobics, cycling, swimming, interval classes, weight training, mountain biking, Pilates, and more, so before signing up for this type of vacation be sure to visit your doctor prior to attending.

heartThe 6 things you need to do to prevent heart disease – By Jill Buchner

A 20-year study has found the six things every woman needs to do to drastically cut down her chance of developing heart disease. The researchers, from Harvard and other U.S. universities, followed about 70,000 women to figure out the real reasons why young women (think 35 to 44-year-olds) were experiencing heart attacks.

What they found in their study, which was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, was that adhering to these six healthy habits reduces your risk of having a heart attack by 92 percent and your risk of developing a risk factor for heart disease by 66 percent.

Here are the six most important things you can do to keep your heart healthy.

1. Don’t smoke (You know it’s bad for you, but if you’re still struggling, read our six ways to quit smoking.)

2. Get your body mass index to the normal range (Learn how to calculate yours.)

3. Be physically active for at least two and a half hours a week (Learn how to fit fitness into your busy schedule.)

4. Watch seven or fewer hours of TV a week (Find fun things to do when you unplug.)

5. Don’t have more than one alcoholic drink a day (In the study, those who drank one drink actually had a lower risk than those who didn’t drink at all!)

6. Have a healthy diet (as defined by the Harvard School of Public Health eating plate)

If you’re not hitting all these marks yet, make this year to work on checking off all these heart-healthy boxes. But don’t worry if you aren’t perfect. Women in the study who were hitting four out of the six healthy habits still had a significantly lower risk of developing heart disease than those who didn’t follow any of the habits.

Here’s to a heart-healthy!

imagesWhen you are dealing with stressful issues, one of the first things you can do to help your body get through the stress, is to eat nutritious foods that are rich in specific vitamins; however, if just thinking about buying and cooking nutritious food adds more stress to your day, consider supplementing your diet with vitamins.  These basic vitamins and minerals can help prevent the damage that stress causes.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is essential for stress reduction as its antioxidants aid the body in its ability to cope with stress.  Vitamin A can be found in foods such as fish oil, eggs, and spinach.

Vitamin B
B vitamins are an essential stress supplement. When you are under stress, your body uses large amounts of B vitamins to cope with the effects of stress.  Consider taking a B vitamin complex. Look for a formula that provides at least 50mg of each of the main B vitamins.

Vitamin B-1 (thiamin) helps support the nervous system and give you more energy
Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin) gives important support to your adrenal glands
Vitamin B-3 (niacin) has a strong effect on your feelings of being able to manage your stress
Vitamin B-5 (pantothenic acid) is necessary for the secretion of cortisol
Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) is helpful for reducing anxiety and depression
Vitamin B-8 (folic acid) helps reduce stress indirectly by reduces high levels of an amino acid homocysteine
Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) is essential for the healthy functioning of your nerves

Good food sources of B complex vitamins are: Meat, Eggs, Nuts, Cheese, and Green vegetables.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C can help to reduce the levels of cortisol and corticosterone, which is a stress hormone in the blood.   The “daily recommended” amount of  Vitamin C is 60mg but much higher doses are needed for stress relief: 1000mg is an effective dose that you can take for long periods without any problems. Vitamin C is rich in certain foods, such as dark leafy greens, citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes and red pepper.

Calcium helps our nerves send messages to our brain,and helps to regulate our nerves and muscles stamina and helps us sleep. Calcium is found in milk, cheeses, yogurts, sardines and sesame seeds.

Iron is essential when our bodies are under stress because it helps the flow of oxygen in our bodies.  Sardines, wheat germ, eggs and spinach are all iron rich foods.

Magnesium is an essential stress supplements because it helps prevent the damage caused by excess adrenaline.   Magnesium rich foods include, apples, bananas, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and Tofu.

Potassium is an important nutrient against chronic stress, the nervous system, and heart function. Potassium rich foods include artichokes, spinach, beans, dried fruits,  and bananas.

A lack of zinc can cause irritability, depression, and a low immune system. Fresh oysters, sesame seeds, ginger, and red meat are all zinc rich foods.

If you are experiencing  high levels of stress, please contact your health care practitioner before making any changes to your health routine.

stressed123The definition of stress is the result of any emotional, physical, mental, or social factor that requires a response or change.  Stresses can be physical, metabolic – such as an illness, or psychosocial – such as a death, divorce, or job loss.

Stress is categorizes as either acute or chronic.  Acute stress is the body’s immediate response to a perceived threat, while chronic stress results when a stressful situation persists over time.  Chronic stress can contribute to the breakdown of many bodily systems, such as your immune system.

Try these 5 tips the next time you are starting to feel stressed:

Spend time with friends and family

Talking with a trusted and loved friend or family member can reduce your feeling of stress by increasing your production of cortisol. Cortisol functions is to reduce inflammation in the body, however,  keeping cortisol levels  high over time can negatively affect your immune system.

Eat your dessert

Eating something sweet like chocolate (in moderation) is helpful in reducing stress because it helps to reduce the production of the stress hormone, glucocorticoid.

Take potassium
Research shows that increasing your potassium levels can help protect your body from the negative effects of stress by regulating your blood pressure.  One of the easiest ways to increase your potassium is to eat a banana.

Listen to the music you love
Listening to music you love; whether it’s classical, jazz or pop will fill your brain with feel-good neurochemicals like dopamine.

Walking outside
A 10 minutes walk in a park or green space can clear your head and boost endorphins which will reduces stress hormones.

Personal trainer Ulrick Bien-Aimé had been working with stressed out clients for years – he has made these four moves mandatory (hold each pose for 15 seconds).

1. “Start by lying on your back with your legs straight and your hands on your abdomen, about two inches below your navel. Inhale slowly through your nostrils and focus on pulling in your belly. Exhale gradually while pushing your abdomen toward your back”.

2. “Next, bring your knees to your chest while continuing to inhale and exhale. Remember not to hold your breath—whenever you extend or exert energy, you should exhale”.

3. “Place your legs straight on the floor, then lift your right leg and bend it at the knee so your leg is at a 90-degree angle to the floor. Bring your right knee across your body until it touches the floor, making sure your shoulders remain flat. With your left hand, push down your knee to increase the stretch. Mirror this exercise on your left side”.

4. “Finally, lie flat on your back, and pull in your feet until the soles are touching to create a diamond shape on the ground. Spread your knees apart as far as possible and apply pressure with your hands. Pay attention to the parts of your body that begin to feel release—those are likely the places where you tend to trap tension”.

Try adapting your exercise to the type of stress you are dealing with.  If you are feeling out of control, try rhythmic exercise such as running, or swimming. If you feel you need to focus try yoga or Tai Chi and if you are feeling angry, try exercises like boxing or karate.

stress-article-1People who are dealing with stress, would like to have no stress in their lives; but that’s not realist. What they should be aiming for, is how to mange their stress.   Stress can increase the risk of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, depression; and can worsen many preexisting medical conditions.    Stress can affect you both instantly (acute stress) and over time (chronic stress).

Physical symptoms of stress include:

  • Increased heart rate and breathing
  • Headaches/ Migraines
  • Stiff neck /Shoulders
  • Back pain
  • Upset stomach

Emotional symptoms of stress include:

  • Feeling irritable & frustrated
  • Unable to deal with day to day effectively
  • Losing your temper more often
  • Loss of energy
  • Hard to focus on tasks

Long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress can suppress the immune system, increase the risk of stroke, and speed up the aging process. Whether the stress is physical or psychological, the body’s reaction to the stress has the same outcome.  Our bodies can handle small doses of stress, but they are not equipped to handle chronic stress without consequences.

What is burnout?

Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. Burnout happens as a by product of chronic stress. Burnout is a gradual process that occurs over time, and left unchecked, can lead to severe depression, and life threatening illnesses.

Physical symptoms of burnout include:

  • Feeling tired and drained most of the time
  • Change in appetite or sleep habits
  • Frequent headaches, back pain, muscle aches

Emotional symptoms of stress include:

  • Feeling of helplessness and hopelessness
  • Unable to deal with day to day issues
  • Feel tired all the time
  • Negative thoughts

 Behavioral symptoms of burnout

  • Withdrawing from responsibilities / Loss of motivation
  • Isolating yourself from others / disengagement
  • Using food, drugs, or alcohol to cope
  • Not sleeping

Help lower your stress levels by following these simple stress relief tips:

  • Deep breathing –  Just a few minutes of deep breathing can calm the physiologic stress response, such as shallow breathing, rapid heart beat and increased blood pressure.  One advantage to deep breathing for stress relief is that you can do it whenever you need it.
  • Avoid stress by managing your time and your commitments. Prioritize your tasks and activities for the day or week and rate how important or urgent they are.  At the same time,think about how you can redirect your time to activities that are important and meaningful to you.
  • Give yourself a time out – Taking five to ten minutes to step back and take a deep breath can help your body with the “fight or flight” response that stress causes. A few minutes of down time can help you deal with the issue at hand in a more calm and relaxed manner.
  • Physical activity is the number one way you can reduce the effects of stress. Exercise is a powerful stress reliever. Try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday.
  • Eat a healthy diet, and reduce your caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and sugar intake.
  • Relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi, and meditation can help the body to relax, and de-stress. These techniques can be used just before bed to help with sleep.
  • Get plenty of sleep – Keeping a sleep schedule and aim for 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

Help prevent burnout by following these simple tips:

  • Start your day with a relaxing ritual, such as stretches, yoga or hanging out with your pet.
  • Healthy eating, exercising, and sleeping habits will give you the energy and resilience to deal with life.
  • Set boundaries and remind yourself that saying “no” allows you to say “yes” to the activities that you enjoy.
  • Set a time each day when you completely disconnect from the outside world and have a “me” moment.
  • Creativity is a powerful antidote to burnout.  Choose activities that make you happy, like starting a fun project, getting a massage, or volunteering at something you strongly believe in.

Managing your stress involves changing the stressful situation when you can, changing how you react to those situations, and taking care of yourself by making time for rest and relaxation.

dental-careHere are a few dental care tips to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, and keep your teeth healthy.

What is tooth decay?  Enamel is the hard outer coating on all your teeth.  The bacteria in your mouth, produces acids that cause plaque, which harms the tooth enamel.  Over time, the acids can cause a hole in the enamel – a cavity.  Daily brushing and flossing can protect you from tooth decay, cavities and gum disease.

What is gum disease?  Gum disease appears when plaque builds up along and under the gum line. The plaque causes infections – called gingivitis. Like tooth decay, gum disease can often be fixed by daily brushing and flossing.

What can you do to prevent tooth decay and gum disease?

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Brush once in the morning and once before bed, remembering to floss your teeth once a day, and always rinse after you floss. Always brush with a light hand as brushing too often or too hard can damage your gums.
  • Brush your teeth for a minimum of two minutes. Two minutes is the minimum time you need to clean all of your teeth; so keep time with your smart phone, set an alarm, hum a tune…anything that lasts two minutes.  That’s one minute for your top teeth and one minute for your bottom teeth.
  • Throw away your toothbrush every three months, or after an illness. Your tooth brush harbours bacteria from your mouth. (It goes without saying, but you should never share your tooth brush with anyone).
  •  Clean your tongue with a tongue scraper or a tooth brush every morning to remove tongue plaque and freshen your breath.
  • Fruits and veggies that are crisp, and crunchy such as carrots, celery, and apples can help clean your teeth throughout the day.  The acid in sugary food and carbonated drinks dissolves tooth enamel, an encourage the growth of bacteria, which produces plaque, and plaque can lead to tooth decay and cavities.

  • Keep hydrated with water to help keep teeth stains to a minimum, flush bacteria out of your teeth and mouth, helping with  less risk of gum disease, fewer cavities and fresher breath.

  • Never use your teeth for anything other than eating. Using your teeth as tools, such as opening bags or cracking nuts will cause damage.

  • Never chew hard foods such as hard candy or ice. Chewing hard foods creates tiny fractures in the enamel and over the years, this habit can result in major cracks and the need for tooth repair.

Practicing good oral hygiene will help to ensure you have a healthy, beautiful smile.

imagesPart of body maintenance is having a yearly physical, visiting the dentist once or twice a year,  as well as seeing a healthcare practitioner (physiotherapist, massage therapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist) however, most of us forget to book a yearly appointment with an optometrist about our eye health.

Part of good eye health is being preventative….. here are some guidelines to help you get started.

Wear Protective Glasses

Protective eye wear are safety glasses that are designed to provide protection from activities that could be a risk to your eyes, such as playing sports, operating equipment at work, or using chemical at home .

No Smoking

Research has linked smoking to an increased risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, and cataracts; all of which can lead to blindness.

Wear Sunglasses

Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Purchase sunglasses that block out 99 to 100 percent of both UVA and UVB radiation.

Exercise Your Eyes

When you spend large amounts of time working on computers, tablets, e-readers, and other devices with visual displays your eyes can get fatigued, and you can suffer from digital eye strain and computer vision syndrome. Try the 20-20-20 rule, which will help reduce eyestrain: Every 20 minutes, look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds. Looking far away relaxes the focusing muscle inside the eye to reduce fatigue.

Adjust the Lighting

Eye strain can be caused by bright light, either coming in through window (sunlight) or from interior lighting. Eliminate bright light and minimize glare, by closing the blinds or by turning off some of the overhead lights; and position your computer monitor so that it’s not directly in front or behind a window.

Invest in a LCD Screen

LCD screens are easier on the eyes and usually have an anti-reflective surface.  Also try to work at a display screen that has a diagonal screen size of at least 19 inches.

 Adjust the Display Settings on your Device.

Get in the habit of adjusting the brightness, text size, colour and contrast of the display screen you are working on. Be aware of your surrounding and adjust accordingly.

Take Frequent Breaks

To reduce your risk for computer vision syndrome and neck, back and shoulder pain, take frequent breaks throughout your work day.  For every hour of sitting, take a 10 minute break where you move around and stretch to reduce tension and muscle fatigue.

Modify Your Workstation

Adjust your workstation and chair to the correct height. You are at the correct height when your head and neck are upright and in-line with your torso. Position your computer display so the top of the screen is slightly below eye level; this will allow you to view the screen without bending your neck.

Like all body maintenance, taking care of your eyes will help ensure that you will enjoying a lifetime of healthy vision.

senior cyclistEvery year new health trends emerge, and this year the trends are less about fads, and more about slowing down, keeping track of your health and getting back to nature.

Mindful eating

Mindful eating means choosing foods with intention and attention, which means being aware of taste, texture, smell and chewing your food slowly.  Slower eating can equal fewer calories, which can be helpful in maintaining an ideal weight.

Mindful eating also means being aware of what you are eating.  Stop eating in front of the TV (Autopilot Eating) and be attentive and present when you eat.  Mindful eating requires you to ask yourself “Are you Hungry” before you eat…. this can help you decide if you are truly hungry, or are you bored, or eating because you are feeling stressed.

Wearable technology

Wearable technology,  and devices, incorporate computers and electronic technologies to help us pay more attention to our heath and our life choices.

Having the ability to track activities and provide actual stats can help to motivate us to move more, consume fewer calories or get more sleep.  The more you pay attention to healthy choices and behaviours, the more likely you are to choose positive and healthier choices.

Functional fitness

Functional fitness exercises train your muscles to help and prepare you do everyday activities you do at home or at work, such as yard work, and household chores.

Instead of working one specific muscle group at a time, functional fitness uses several muscles during a single movement. (Push-ups, planks, and lunges). Functional exercises tend to be multi-joint, multi-muscle exercises, such as Tai chi and Pilates.

Daily doses of nature and green space

Getting outside for even 15 minutes a day can make a big difference to our mental and physical well being.  Nature and green spaces improve immune function and reduces stress.

“A Japanese therapy called “forest bathing” involves spending deliberate time in nature and actually boosts immune function. Natural killer cells are critical for proper function of the innate immune system; one of their most important functions is to eliminate tumors. And just a single day trip to a forest park can increase NK cell number and activity, as well as upregulate anti-cancer proteins, for up to a full week”. 

A lack of natural light can play havoc with your circadian rhythm, which can effect your sleep habits. The more physical activity and natural sunlight you get, the better your sleep and overall health routine will become.

legumesThe term eating clean, is a life style that embraces healthy, whole, unprocessed foods.  The main principles of eating clean is to choose whole foods over processed foods, and to choose unrefined foods over refined foods.

Eating clean is not a diet, it’s a healthy lifestyle that practices avoiding processed and refined foods and concentrating on  eating whole foods.

The 2 Basic Principles of Eating Clean:

1. Avoid processed and “junk foods”.  Processed foods are anything that has been handled by manufacturing and comes in a box, bag, or package.   Processed foods always come with a label, and a label means that more than one ingredient has been used or added.  Clean foods contain just one or two ingredients. Any product with a long ingredient list has been manufactured.

2. Choose whole foods: Whole foods are foods that are in their natural state, with nothing added.

Clean Eating Guidelines:

Try to eat clean, 80% of the time.

1. Increase whole grains – these are grains that are still complete and haven’t been broken down in any form. Examples include: brown rice, whole wheat and quinoa.

2. Eat plenty of vegetables and legumes. Consume as many different veggies in different colors as you can get, and eat them as often as possible.

3. Eat fruits in moderation.

4. Eliminate as much refined sugar as possible by substituting “clean sugars” such as honey, and maple syrup.

5. Avoid all processed or refined foods (sugar, baked goods, white flour, white rice, etc) Processed foods are usually high in chemical additives, trans fats, salts and refined sugars.

6. Avoid artificial ingredients and preservatives.

7. Avoid saturated and trans fats, and opt for healthier fats such as olive oil, and coconut oil.

8. Include whole meats – that’s meat you have purchased directly from a farmer or butcher

Whatever eating habits you adopt, eating more of the healthy options and eating less of the not-so-healthy options just makes sense. One of the easiest way to cut processed foods out of your diet is to eat at home. When you make your own food, you know exactly what’s in it.