Health Information

When Is Pain, Just Pain, And Not Something Serious?

Paying attention to how we feel and being aware of new symptoms, aches, and pains is one of the most…

The Movember Movement – How to Get Involved

The Movember Foundation is uniquely placed to address the crisis at a global level. We’re funding ground-breaking programs all over…

Which Injury do you have – Traumatic or Cumulative?

There are two types of injuries: acute/traumatic and chronic/cumulative.  Acute injuries occur suddenly, such as a sprained ankle, pulled muscle,…

Medical Myths That Just Won’t Die

Medical myths are beliefs that in some cases are based on fact, but most are simply misunderstood concepts about our…

More Hepatitis Viruses – C, D, E, & G

Lets start with a quick over view of the hepatitis viruses: Hepatitis A is an acute illness that never becomes…

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is not spread through causal contact such as hugging or kissing, and unlike hepatitis A, is not found…

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A virus causes inflammation of the liver and is easily spread from person to person, through food and water.…

How Good Is Your Posture?

What is good posture? The definition of posture is how you hold your body when standing, sitting or lying down.…

10 Read Worthy Health Blogs

The great thing about the internet is that there is so much information to choose from for any given topic...…

When To Take Your Vitamins

Some vitamins and supplements can interfere with certain medications resulting in serious side effects. Some of these medications include blood…