Living Without Chronic PainYour quality of life can be a constant struggle if you are dealing with chronic pain which can lasts for weeks, months, even years. Combining lifestyle changes with treatment will help manage your pain, and in many cases eliminate the pain all together.

Lifestyle Tips:

Deep breathing and meditation are techniques that help your body relax, which eases pain.

Listening to soothing music can lift your mood, reduce stress and make living with chronic pain more bearable.

Exercise will increase your endorphins, and these “brain chemicals” will help to improve your mood while also blocking pain signals. Exercise has another pain reducing effect — it strengthens muscles, helping prevent re-injury and further pain.

Pain makes sleep difficult, however, alcohol or prolong use of sleep aids can make sleep problems worse.  Try a warm bath or shower before bed.

Find a friend, family member or support group that understands what you’re going through; you’ll feel less alone.

Keep a journal of your daily “pain score” use a pain scale from 1 to 10. This will help you track your pain and will be very useful when consulting a practitioner.

Treatment Options:

Massage is a therapeutic method that involves muscle manipulation and pressure to promote deep tissue and muscle relaxation, improved blood flow, and the release of stress and tension.  Massage for chronic pain works by releasing trigger points, restoring normal movement and removing harmful toxins from the body.

Acupuncture is a therapeutic method that involves the whole body. Pain is a feeling triggered in the nervous system, and alerts us to injuries and illnesses that need attention.  Acupuncture can help reduce your pain and will release body toxins, stress and tension.

eToims is aimed at alleviating pain and dysfunction caused by muscle and nerve injury. It involves the use of an electric current to produce a twitch in the muscle that is strong enough to stimulate the deep fibers of a muscle.

The electric current produced by the eToims Technique penetrates deep enough at the trigger point to produce a strong contraction in the muscle. Basically “jump starting” the muscles to release, relax, and allow blood to follow to the muscles and nerve so that they can “breathe”.

Chronic pain is a vicious cycle that creates painful trigger points, and shortened muscles that lead to more pain.  Please speak with one of our health care practitioners to discuss what type of therapies will work for you.

Innovations in technology are giving health practitioners a new set of tools to treat musculoskeletal ailments. New equipment has enabled chiropractors, physiotherapists and other healthcare practitioners to offer healing and cessation of pain without the use of pharmaceuticals or surgery.

More Treatment Options with Modern Technology | physiotherapy victoria bc

Diversified Health Clinic

Spinal Decompression

At Diversified Health the state-of-the-art equipment & diagnostic tools can be used for evaluating range of motion, muscle balance, nerves or posture of your body, neck, arms or legs.  Chronic or acute back pain in the neck and lower back area can now be specifically targeted with a Spinal Decompression Table. This computerized table is set to manipulate only the area that has the problem. A series of traction and relaxation movements allows the disc to move back into its original place, taking pressure off the nerve and relieving pain.

Shockwave therapy

Accidents and sports injuries to soft tissue can now be treated with ultrasound , advanced laser and Shockwave therapy. These treatments penetrate into the deep tissue and ligaments, stimulating healing and cell regeneration.

Laser Therapy

Class IV Laser Therapy or “photobiomodulation”, is the use of specific wavelengths of light (red and near-infrared) to create therapeutic effects.  These effects include improving healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling. Conditions treated include musculoskeletal injuries, chronic and degenerative conditions and wounds.

TENS Therapy

TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) – electrical current applied through two electrodes. This stimulation is usually very comfortable to the patient and provides immediate reduction of pain and muscle relaxation.


Ultrasound is a sound wave that human year cannot hear. It is mechanical energy used to break down scar tissue, increase metabolism and decrease pain.


Electrical Twitch Obtaining Intra-Muscular Stimulation (eToims) is designed to alleviating pain and dysfunction caused by muscle and nerve injury. It involves the use of an electric current to produce a twitch in the muscle that is strong enough to stimulate the deep fibers of a muscle.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression is the therapeutic elongation of the spine in a slow, gentle manner in order to relieve pressure on compressed vertebrae and discs. This treatment is appropriate for those individuals who have low back pain that is caused by herniated discs or degenerated discs. To achieve the best results, spinal decompression is always combined with other types of physiotherapy such as active exercises and manual therapy.

The best technology

Modern technology and equipment used by Diversified Health is giving people more treatment options and empowering them to take control of their own well-being, while improving the quality of individual patient care.

Diversified Health Explains Sprains & StrainsDiversified Health Clinic explains the difference between a sprain and a strain; which is one of the most frequently asked question regarding an injury.


A sprain is an injury to a ligament, the fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bone. Ligament injuries involve a stretching or a tearing of this tissue.

A sprain typically occurs when people fall and land on an outstretched arm,  land on the side of their foot, or twist a knee with the foot planted firmly on the ground. This results in an overstretch or tear of the ligament(s) supporting that joint.

The usual signs and symptoms of a muscle sprain include pain, swelling, bruising, and the loss of the ability to move and use the joint.


A strain is an injury to either a muscle or a tendon which are the tissues that connects muscles to bones. Depending on the severity of the injury, a strain may be a simple overstretch of the muscle or it can result in a partial or complete tear.

A strain is caused by twisting or pulling a muscle or tendon. Strains can be acute or chronic. An acute strain is caused by trauma or an injury such as a blow to the body; it can also be caused by improperly lifting heavy objects which over stresses the muscles. Chronic strains are usually the result of prolonged overuse or repetitive movement of the muscles and tendons.

The usual signs and symptoms of a strain include pain, muscle spasm and muscle weakness. There can also be localized swelling, cramping, inflammation and some loss of muscle function.

Now that Diversified Health Clinic explains the difference between a sprain and a strain, remember to treat the injury as soon as possible with Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation for the first 24 to 48 hours after the injury.

Are you living with chronic pain? eToims can helpVictoria’s Diversified Health Clinic is the first location on Vancouver Island to offer eToims, a new non-invasive treatment for pain and inflammation in the body’s soft and connective tissues.

When you irritate or damage a nerve, muscle fibers close around the nerve fibers like a fist. eToims uses an electrical pulse that uncurls the fist from the nerve fibers, thus relieving your muscle pain & restoring function, mobility & quality of life.

What is eToims and how does it work?

Using specialized medical equipment, eToims sends very brief but strong electrical pulses to the areas of irritated nerves. This stimulation causes the muscle to twitch, or contract, and then relax. This focused exercising of the muscle at numerous points throughout the muscle relieves the associated pain.

Traditionally this treatment has involved the use of acupuncture needles (Trigger Point Dry Needling, or IMS) to relieve pain. eToims is a non-invasive form of the same treatment – no needles are inserted into the skin – and is available nowhere else on Vancouver Island, and now Diversified Health offers both treatments.

eToims is great for sports injuries or the mysterious soft-tissue injuries from auto accidents that typically stump health practitioners. It is quick to diagnose and fast to heal, getting you active and back on your feet faster than conventional treatments.

What happens during a treatment session?

The current is conducted through moist pads placed on your skin. Muscles that produce the strongest contraction or twitch will be worked on first to start some flow through the nerve and stimulate blood flow in your body. The very tight muscles will be worked on next to try to get as much contraction as possible in these muscles. The more contraction elicited in the muscles, the more relaxed the muscles will become. As a result, there is less compression on the nerves, more blood flow, and more pain relief.

eToims will treat the following conditions

  • Muscle pain/myofascial pain
  • Musculoskeletal pain/discomfort
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Low back pain
  • Facet Syndrome
  • Piriformis Syndrome
  • Post surgical back pain
  • Tension headaches
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Tennis elbow
  • Shin Splints
  • Whiplash
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Tendonitis
  • Degenerative disc
  • Bulging or herniated disc
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Fibromyalgia

Please contact our health care practitioners for more information about the eToims Technique.

Orthotic FAQ | Advanced Health Care Products VictoriaA custom orthotic is a biomechanical medical appliance designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient position.  Orthotics work by decreasing high-pressure areas, stabilizing foot alignment and cushioning the foot.

Custom orthotics reduce stress and strain on your body by bringing your feet back into proper alignment by re-aligning the foot and redirecting / reducing certain motion that take place during the gait cycle.

The longer you wear your orthotics, the more benefit you will get out of them. If your daily activities require that you change your footwear; you should have a second pair of orthotics designed for that specific activity.  The type of orthotic depends on many factors including lifestyle, athletic activities (i.e., walking, running), foot type, and the problems that are being encountered.  Remember that the orthotics will not permanently change your anatomy and will only “work” when you are standing or walking on them.

Custom orthotics are used to relieve symptoms of common injuries, such as plantar fasciitis, over-pronation, under-pronation,  and various foot and ankle injuries, as well as helping individuals with diabetes or arthritis. Orthotics complement other treatments such as physiotherapy and chiropractic.

The symptoms of poor foot mechanics can include any one of the following:

  • Localized foot pain
  • Bunions, hammer toes
  • Arch/heel pain
  • Leg/knee pain
  • Hip or back pain – even neck pain

Custom orthotics work to realign the structure of your foot, so you may feel pressure in some areas of the orthotic. When you start wearing your orthotics, it is normal for the orthotics to feel strange; however, properly fitted orthotics should not cause any new pain, blistering or redness.

Keep in mind that your shoes act as a foundation for the foot and provide a stable base for an orthotic to sit on. It is important to wear appropriate footwear, as the footwear itself is part of the treatment.  A foot orthotic can be rendered ineffective by placing it in an inferior shoe or runner.

Although symptomatic relief will not occur over night, consistently wearing your orthotics for a period of time will realign your foot, allow healing to occur and help position your foot so you will be using the right muscles at the right time, minimizing fatigue and allowing your muscles to be used more efficiently.

Talk to your health care practitioner and see if you are a good candidate for custom orthotics.

Leg Pain & Treatment Options | Chiropractic Victoria BCLeg pain can range from a mild irritation to an unbearable pain that makes it difficult to complete any day-to-day activities. Leg pain can take many different forms, from a dull ache to searing pain. Other symptoms that may also occur are a pins-and-needle sensation, numbness or weakness.

Leg pain can be caused by a problem in the leg, but often it starts with a problem in the lower back, where the sciatic nerve originates, and then travels down,  along the path of the nerve. For this reason, if you have leg/foot pain, or leg/foot weakness or numbness, you should have a health care practitioner include an examination of the lower back.

When a nerve root in the lower spine is irritated (sciatica) you can experience a searing pain that starts in the lower back area and radiates down to the leg. Sciatic pain can be a constant or intermittent pain, and for many people this pain can be excruciating and debilitating. Spinal decompression treatments can bring relief for this type of back pain.

Numbness can be another symptom of leg ”pain” and is frequently caused by a pinched nerve.  Numbness coming from a low back problem can interfere with movement, balance, level of fatigue and can be a symptom of something more serious such as MS or a stroke. Both chiropractic and physiotherapy can treat a pinched nerve.

If you sit or stand for long periods of time and you have leg pain, you might suffer from positional leg pain (spinal stenosis/facet joint, which is a problem of anatomy in the low back) this pain can usually be relieved by simply changing your positions.  You can also alleviate these symptoms by bending over, or with gentle stretching.

Other causes of leg pain can be due to either over-pronation/under-pronation of the foot; which can cause added stress on your leg and back muscles. A gait scan of your feet will diagnosis if you are a candidate for orthotics.

The types of leg pain experienced can vary widely from patient to patient, so it is important that you seek a diagnosis from a trusted health care practitioner.

Intro to whole body vibration machinesIn the last decade, vibration training was mainly used in the fitness industry, but the use of vibration equipment has now expanded and is widely used in physical therapy, rehabilitation, professional sports, and is increasingly used in beauty and wellness applications. There is an abundance of research worldwide that highlights the benefits of Whole Body Vibration. Studies have shown remarkable results for improved fitness and health in a fraction of the time, compared to traditional exercise.

How vibration machines work

Whole body vibration is implemented through the use of a vibrating platform on which static poses are held or dynamic exercises can be performed depending on the type and force of the machine. The vibrations are generated by a complex mechanism underneath the platform, and those vibrations improve flexibility/balance and strengthens bones/muscles.

Bone Strength

Loss of bone density affects many people at different age groups. One of the key benefits of Whole Body Vibration is that it can stimulate the release of natural hormones. These hormones can in many cases stop the loss of bone density and in some situations may even reverse the effects of osteoporosis. These beneficial claims are from the ground breaking study reported in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research in 2006.

Blood circulation

Increasing blood circulation can be beneficial in so many ways. With increased blood circulation, your cells receive more oxygen and nourishment. White blood cells help remove debris from broken down cells and from toxins that enter the body. The increase of the body’s lymphatic drainage system is a great way to improve overall health and strengthen the immune system.


Regular use of our whole body vibration training machines can help exercise your muscles by increasing the force on the muscles. This is done without the damaging impact of traditional exercise on your joints. There is also little to no strain on ligaments and tendons when one uses a whole body vibration machine correctly.


Muscle, joint, and nerve pain are all debilitating problems that affect millions of people. Many whole body vibration machines have programs and exercises that help develop your core strength which can improve posture. A stronger core helps to eliminate the root of many muscle related ailments.  Strengthening bones and muscle will also help to reduce muscle aches and pain.

At Diversified Health, our physiotherapists and chiropractors use a vibration machine as a rehabilitation tool. Vibration training can help strengthen muscles without putting strain on joints and ligaments. Rehabilitation often involves an increase in blood flow which is one of the keys to repairing and regenerating soft tissue. Improved circulation also helps to drain fluid build-up from injured tissue.

Degenerative Disc Disease | Rehab Victoria BCDegenerative disc disease is one of the most common causes of low back pain.

The lumbar disc is a well-designed structure in the spine. It is strong enough to resist terrific forces in multiple different planes of motion, yet it is still very mobile. However, too much physical activity, gravity, and injuries can cause the spinal column to compress, which narrows the channel through which blood freely flows; and this restriction of the needed nutrients can result in damage and deterioration.

The pain associated with degenerative disc disease is normally caused from inflammation and abnormal micro-motion instability.  Inflammation in the disc space can lead to low back pain radiating to the hips; with associated pain traveling down the back of the legs.

Patients with degenerative disc disease will have some underlying chronic low back pain, experiencing periodic severe low back pain. In an attempt to stabilize the spine and decrease the micro-motion, the body reacts to the disc pain with muscle spasms. The reactive spasms are what make patients feel like their back has “gone out”.

This is why Spinal Decompression tables are one of the most effective treatments for Degenerative Disc Disease.  Spinal Decompression uses a distraction force to relieve the nerve compression often associated with low back pain. This treatment specifically addresses the compression or pressure in the spinal column.

It is a non-surgical treatment that makes use of a specially-designed table that decompresses the specific area of the spine where the pressure is evident. The decompression process reduces the pressure in the affected area of the spine and restores it to its normal position. Spinal decompression’s primary goal is to allow much-needed oxygen, nutrients and fluid into injured and degenerated discs allowing the healing to begin.

Common Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease Include:

Low back pain made worse with sitting.  (in the seated position the discs are loaded three times more than standing)

Certain types of activity will  worsen the low back pain, especially bending, lifting and twisting.

Walking, and even running, will feel better than prolonged sitting or standing.

Feeling better by changing positions frequently. (lying down is the best position since this relieves stress on the disc space)

Please contact any of our health care practitioners for more information on Degenerative Disc Disease.

Orthotics are biomechanical appliances, that enable feet to be held in a more stable position, therefore reducing stress and strain on the body.

Over 50% of the population have feet that overpronate or underpronate. This means that the foot turns too much or not enough. Overpronation or underpronation can lead to serious injury and pain.  Orthotics can help this by correcting the problem by adjusting the angles in which your feet touch the ground.

Do you Overpronate or Underpronate? | Orthotics Victoria Orthotics can help with such conditions as plantar fascitis, chronic blisters, shinsplints and back pain. Most problems that occur within your body, are likely caused by too much stress on it. Too much stress causes things to break, rip or tear. In this case, orthotics help prevent these injuries by reducing the amount of stress that has caused the problem in the first place.

Orthotics help restore the normal balance and alignment of your body by gently correcting foot abnormalities. They gently reduce problems associated with pressure points, and muscle strain on knees, hips and backs.

What type of orthotics to use depends on what you are trying to accomplish for the foot. For the over-pronator, generally a more rigid type of orthotic is necessary since you are trying to limit the amount of rolling that occurs. Softer types of orthotics are indicated for under-pronators, to fill the arch and provide increased shock absorption.

The important point to remember when considering orthotics is that they should be customized for your feet and made by someone well-trained in foot biomechanics. While there is a lot of science that goes into deciding upon and making an orthotic, there is some art as well and sometimes adjustments are necessary. The final orthotic product should be something you would not think of going on a run without, not an expensive dust collector in the back of your closet.

Diversified Health’s lead Chiropractor, Dr. Krisjan Gustavson has been making orthotics for over 25 years, and would be happy to meet with you to discuss if you are a candidate for custom orthotics.

Before your visit to a doctor or health care practitioner, be prepared for your checkup at a walk in clinic by making sure that you take all the important information with you including your medical records.

  • Dates and results of checkups and screening tests
  • List of shots you’ve received (and the dates you got them)
  • Medicines you take, how much you take, and why you take them (including over-the-counter medicines and vitamins)
  • Any health conditions you have, including allergies
  • The name and phone number of a friend or relative to call if there’s an emergency
  • A list of other doctors, dentist, practitioners or specialists you are seeing.
Be prepared for your checkup at a walk in clinic

Be prepared for your checkup

Make a list of any important changes in your life or health. Changes especially stressful ones can have a direct effect to your overall health.  Be sure to include things like:

  • Becoming unemployed
  • A death in the family
  • A serious illness
  • Surgery
  • A medical condition
  • Changes in sleeping or eating habits
  • Pain or discomfort

The health history of your family is an important part of your personal health record so keep track of conditions that run in your family.

Don’t forget to take a notepad and write down the answers so you remember them later. You may also want to take a friend for support, and don’t be afraid to ask lots of question or have the health practitioner  repeat specific information that you are not sure about.

Staying healthy means taking care of yourself all year long.  Your plan may include getting more active, eating healthy, or watching your weight.  Whatever your health goal, remember to be prepared for your checkup at a walk in clinic and let your health care practitioner be part of your health team.