Chiropractic Care

Living Without Chronic Pain

Your quality of life can be a constant struggle if you are dealing with chronic pain which can lasts for…

Physiotherapy technology treatment options: an overview

Innovations in technology are giving health practitioners a new set of tools to treat musculoskeletal ailments. New equipment has enabled…

Diversified Health Explains Sprains & Strains

Diversified Health Clinic explains the difference between a sprain and a strain; which is one of the most frequently asked…

Are you living with chronic pain? eToims can help

Victoria’s Diversified Health Clinic is the first location on Vancouver Island to offer eToims, a new non-invasive treatment for pain…

Orthotic FAQ | Advanced Health Care Products Victoria

A custom orthotic is a biomechanical medical appliance designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient…

Leg Pain & Treatment Options | Chiropractic Victoria BC

Leg pain can range from a mild irritation to an unbearable pain that makes it difficult to complete any day-to-day…

Intro to whole body vibration machines

In the last decade, vibration training was mainly used in the fitness industry, but the use of vibration equipment has…

Degenerative Disc Disease | Rehab Victoria BC

Degenerative disc disease is one of the most common causes of low back pain. The lumbar disc is a well-designed…

Do you Overpronate or Underpronate? | Orthotics Victoria

Orthotics are biomechanical appliances, that enable feet to be held in a more stable position, therefore reducing stress and strain…

Be prepared for your checkup at a walk in clinic

Before your visit to a doctor or health care practitioner, be prepared for your checkup at a walk in clinic…