Entries by Diversified Health Clinic


What is Dry Needling or IMS physiotherapy?

Trigger point dry needling, also referred to as intramuscular stimulation (IMS) and/or intramuscular therapy (IMT) is an invasive procedure in which an acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle.  It’s actually considered part of physiotherapy, and is not acupuncture. IMT treatments at Diversified. Read more about here. What is Trigger Point Dry Needling? […]

Diary of a Want-To-Be Marathoner!

So, it’s been about 7 weeks since I began training with the Frontrunners marathon clinic for my first full marathon this October. I am still smiling. Still loving every minute. Still saying ‘Bring it on!’ I ran in the heat while I was in Winnipeg for a week, that was exhausting! 28C at 8:30 a.m. […]

Is Your Poo Healthy?

Have you ever wondered how often you should poo, or if your poo was healthy? Okay, after we get passed the awkwardness of this topic most of us would admit we are a little intrigued… How often we use our bowels and what our poo looks like tells us a lot about our general health […]

Diary of a Want-To-Be Marathoner!

Diversified Health would like to welcome Carol Schwall as she blogs her way through the aches and pains, and her experiences as she trains for her first full marathon  in October, here in beautiful Victoria BC. I’m a runner. I love running, I never have to force myself to go for a run. Sometimes I […]

Are You a Breakfast Person?

We have all heard for years that breakfast is the most important meal of the the day……here’s why. It is from our brain that messages are sent to other parts of the body to get them moving and working well.  If our brain is not fed, it will act in a slow and sluggish manner, […]