Entries by Diversified Health Clinic

When should you see a chiropractor?

If your life is disrupted due to back pain, neck pain, headaches, sprains or strains, chiropractic care can help you feel like yourself again. Injuries to the spine can happen at any stage of life and for various reasons including car crashes, workplace incidents and sports injuries. Even simple everyday tasks such as going for […]

Straighten Up Canada

Article on the Canadian Chiropractic Association Website. How many hours a day do you spend sitting? Reading, using computers, driving, watching TV —all that sitting adds up, especially if you have poor posture. Did you know that lower back pain and other musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions account for one third of missed work in Canada? It’s time […]

Learning the ABCDE rule for skin cancer

Article by: sunprotectionandproductsguide.com Finding melanoma early is the key to curing this terrible disease. That is why learning the ABCDE rule for skin cancer is so important. This system provides and easy way to recognize moles and growths that might be cancerous. Although most of your “suspicious” moles will turn out to be normal non-cancerous […]

Signs and Symptoms of Skin Cancer

Written by cancer.org Summertime means most of us will be spending more time outdoors. Sunscreen is only one defense against skin cancer.  More importantly is to keep an eye on your skin and to pay attention to all changes, no matter how small. Unusual moles, sores, lumps, blemishes, markings, or changes in the way an […]

Self-Care for the Sandwich Generation

How caregivers can recover from—and avoid—burnout. By Susan Fulton. Susan Fulton is Clinical Leader at Classic LifeCare a BC-based home care provider. Are you a member of the sandwich generation? If you’re unfamiliar with the term, the sandwich generation is the current generation of people, usually women, who care for their aging parents while supporting their […]

EWG Sunscreen Hall of Shame

Article from Environmental Working Group There are a lot of sunscreens on the market: some good, some bad and then the shameful. Those in the last category are not only a waste of money and time but also potentially harmful. Here are our picks for products to banish from your beach bag. Spray sunscreens can […]

What are the benefits of walking?

Article by The Registered Massage Therapists’ Association of British Columbia.  Walking, what is it? Walking is easy on the joints and gets your heart pumping. It’s easy to do, inside or outside and costs almost nothing. What are the benefits of walking? Improves cardiovascular fitness by strengthening your heart Improves bone health Lower risk of […]