Entries by Carmen Scott

De-stressing through Walking – Part 3

This is the final entry to our three part series on de-stressing through walking. Remember as you are walking to keep your head up. Look about 10 feet ahead of you.  Imagine that you’re wearing a baseball cap and have to look up just enough to see the road.  This keeps your neck aligned properly. […]

De-stressing through Walking – Part 2

You’ve warmed up, you’re taking short quick steps while practicing the Hell-Toe roll on your walking work out……so what’s next? Squeeze your Glutes! Imagine squeezing and lifting your glutes up and back as if you were holding a $50.00 bill between them! This will strengthen your low back muscles. “Zip up” your abs. During your […]

De-stressing through Walking – Part 1

During the busy summer season, keeping up with f fitness program can be a challenge. One of the best ways to deal with the stress is through physical activity, and one of the easiest ways to accomplish this during all the hustle and bustle is by simply walking. Besides the well documented health benefits, the […]

A Simple Solution to a Common Problem

If you take a moment to look into your child’s backpack, you may find a couple of textbooks, a notebook, gym clothes, lunch etc. It all adds up to back strain.  Kid’s today carry heavy school loads and these equal heavy back loads. Although the packs may be too heavy, your child may be reluctant […]

Conditions that can be treated with Acupuncture.

The World Heath Organization has published a list of conditions which may be treated by acupuncture. Here is just a small list of those conditions. Internal Disorders: Asthma,  Colitis,  Allergies,  Indigestion, High blood pressure,  Diabetes,  Acne, Obesity. Infectious Diseases: Cold,  Flu,  Herpes Musculoskeletal & Neurological: Chronic pain,  Fibromyalgia,  Headache, Shingles, Stroke,  Tendonitis,  Arthritis,  Repetitive strain […]

When to take your Child to the ER

There is of course the obvious symptoms that will always need immediate attention, such as uncontrolled bleeding, loss of conscience, broken bones or poisoning. The not so obvious symptoms that we struggle with, is when is it time to get our children “looked at” ! Please take your child to the GP, walk in clinic, […]

Joint Health

Joint health is a concern for more than 1 in 5 adults. At Diversified Health our practitioners know the benefits of a healthy lifestyle combined with the correct nutritional supplements. ChondroCare is a comprehensive formula designed to provide broad support for healthy joint function by featuring premium quality glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, and methylsulfonyl methane […]