Entries by Carmen Scott


Seasonal Allergies and Acupuncture | acupuncture victoria bc

Seasonal Allergies and Acupuncture | acupuncture victoria bc   –  written by Victoria Spaurel R.Ac. Acupuncture is an effective option for allergy symptom control. Although it does not, in my experience, stop symptoms from returning the following year, it does reduce the body’s reactivity, leaving you less dependent on medications, and able to enjoy your spring […]


Combine a Massage Session & Acupuncture Session & Save 25%

Lauren Wills our Registered Massage Therapist and Victoria Spaurel our registered Acupuncturist are combining their services, and are offering any one who books both a 60 minute massage and a 60 minute acupuncture session between May 15th and May 19th, 25% off both services. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Victoria has had tremendous success assisting patients to reach their […]

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Myofacial Pain Syndrome

When we first met her, Laurie came into our office very upset, fed up and feeling like nobody could help her, and that we probably couldn’t do anything much for her either. Her doctors had told her to learn to live with the constant pain she’d been experiencing for several years, and were apparently baffled by her condition.

Victoria Clinic Offers Tips on How to Reduce Yoga Injuries

Our Victoria clinic offers tips on how to reduce yoga injuries, starting with how yoga offers great health benefits by enabling you to develop your flexibility, strength, and balance. For most healthy people yoga is a safe form of exercise, however yoga injuries can occur. Most yoga injuries result from overstretching and strain from repetition; […]

Natural Health Practitioner Encourages a Diet For Change

A transition diet is helpful when a person has regularly eaten meat, sugar, salt, white flour products, and very few grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, sprouts, seeds or nuts. In other words, a transition diet helps with the change from an unhealthy diet to a healthy diet. If a person has regularly eaten natural food, a cleansing program is much easier to follow.