Entries by Carmen Scott

How to Make Your Own Sunscreen

Choosing the right sunscreen can be tricky. Many store-bought feature chemicals as a base, and some sunscreens can even cause contact dermatitis! Learn more about sunscreen allergies. If you feel that you are getting nowhere on finding the right sunscreen for you and your family, why not try making your own!  There are dozens of […]

Seasonal Allergies

If you suffer from seasonal allergies you might want to consider visiting an acupuncturist.  The goal of the acupuncturist is to develop a plan which addresses the person’s acute symptoms and provides relief, while addressing the underlying immune system imbalance which is thought to be at the root of the person’s allergies. Symptoms of Seasonal […]

Spices – The New Medicine

For years spices have been used by holistic practitioners, but now mainstream health professionals are using the power of spices as a weapon against illness. There is a scientific basis for why people have been using spices medicinally for thousands of years. Here are 5 spices that can be used to minimize symptoms and treat […]

Are You Up For A Fitness Vacation?

One of the fastest growing fads for a vacation getaway is the fitness vacation. With names like the “7 day Metabolism Re-Set”  or the “14 day Lifestyle Re-Programmer” these programs are designed for you to break a sweat, and get in shape using nature and the local terrain as your gym. The idea of a […]

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Natural Stress Relief

Nearly one in three people view their lives moderately to severely stressful, and more than 50% feel that stress has a moderate to severe impact on their health problems. We’ve identified some symptoms of stress, and some ways to approach natural stress relief. Symptoms of Stress Stress has been linked with detrimental health effects including […]

Decreased Stress = Increased Vitamins

When you are dealing with stressful issues, one of the first things you can do to help your body get through the stress, is to eat nutritious foods that are rich in specific vitamins; however, if just thinking about buying and cooking nutritious food adds more stress to your day, consider supplementing your diet with […]

5 Easy Stress Busters

The definition of stress is the result of any emotional, physical, mental, or social factor that requires a response or change.  Stresses can be physical, metabolic – such as an illness, or psychosocial – such as a death, divorce, or job loss. Stress is categorizes as either acute or chronic.  Acute stress is the body’s immediate […]

Burnout – It’s What Happens After Stress

People who are dealing with stress, would like to have no stress in their lives; but that’s not realist. What they should be aiming for, is how to mange their stress.   Stress can increase the risk of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, depression; and can worsen many preexisting medical conditions.    Stress can affect you […]

Preventing Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Here are a few dental care tips to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, and keep your teeth healthy. What is tooth decay?  Enamel is the hard outer coating on all your teeth.  The bacteria in your mouth, produces acids that cause plaque, which harms the tooth enamel.  Over time, the acids can cause […]

Eye Health

Part of body maintenance is having a yearly physical, visiting the dentist once or twice a year,  as well as seeing a healthcare practitioner (physiotherapist, massage therapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist) however, most of us forget to book a yearly appointment with an optometrist about our eye health. Part of good eye health is being preventative….. here […]