Categories: Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Immunity

As we are now in the midst of cold and flu season you may be looking for new ways to boost your immune system and stay healthy. Did you know that acupuncture can help?

Acupuncture and the Immune System

Common colds and influenza are viral infections that affect our respiratory system. It is important to distinguish between bacteria and viruses as we sometimes see patients taking antibiotics which do not treat viral infections. Not only that, but overuse of antibiotics can also deplete your healthy bacteria, making you less resistant to infections. On the other side of things, over the counter medications (ex: Advil Cold and Flu, etc) may alleviate some symptoms temporarily but they will not eradicate the virus. Acupuncture can help reduce both the symptoms and the duration of both colds and flu.

Notice what your early red flags are when your immune system is feeling low. Common early symptoms may include:

  • Slight chilliness
  • Sniffly or a few sneezes
  • Sensitivity to wind or drafts
  • Feeling a little sweaty
  • Scratchy throat
  • Achy neck and shoulders

Normally, the time to come in for a treatment is at the very first sign of not feeling well. However, in the midst of a pandemic, this is no longer recommended. Instead, clear your schedule, crawl under the covers and rest. Once it’s safe for you to come into the clinic, you can book in for an acupuncture treatment and your acupuncturist will come up with a treatment plan for you that will relieve any lingering symptoms as well as boost your immunity.


Prevention is key to warding off colds and flu. We all know by now to wash our hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth when possible.

In Chinese medicine, our outer defense system, known as wei qi, helps to protect us from pathogenic influences, like viral infections. If you’re someone who gets sick easily and often, it would be beneficial to book in for weekly acupuncture treatments before flu season to boost your immune system and strengthen your wei qi.

And do not forget to stay bundled, especially around your head and neck. All the acupuncture texts describe wind as potentially harmful as it is the carrier for airborne pathogens that affect our respiratory system. Wearing a scarf is a simple way of protecting the neck from the cold wind.

At-Home Relief

Here are some dietary and lifestyle recommendations which you can do at home:

  1. Make your own soups and stews. If you eat meat, soups and stews made from bone both are wonderful for combating a cold, with electrolytes in the broth, aromatic onions and garlic to produce a light sweat and chicken or beef for nourishing qi.
  2. Get plenty of rest. Yes, life is busy but find ways to sneak in little snoozes. Be cautious around screen time before bed, invest in a pair of blue light glasses and make time for naps where you can. We all know this, but it bears repeating, sleep = wellness
  3. Keep warm: take a hot shower or epsom salt bath. Wear warm clothes and protect not only your head and neck but wrists and ankles too, as cold is thought to invade the channels in these vulnerable places.
  4. Stay hydrated, drink warm liquids and tea: try boiled water with a few sprigs of rosemary, thyme and a squeeze of lemon. Thyme and rosemary both have antiviral and antibacterial properties, while lemon has a high content of immune system boosting Vitamin C. Maybe drizzle some honey in to sweeten things up and soothe the throat.
  5. De-stress: when we catch ourselves overthinking or worrying too much it can undermine our health.

Experience the Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment at Diversified Health Clinic

Take the first step on your road to recovery and better immunity by booking an appointment with our acupuncturist today at (250) 382-0018 or book an appointment online. We offer direct billing and weekday and weekend appointments. Please view our hours of operation and location details here.